Back in Paris we caught Pier Paul Berzaitz and Joxe Angel Arbelaitz. There they presented the Egunsentiaren kantak show. The first steps of this show were taken a year ago. As Arbelaitz explains, “I spoke to Pier Paul about whether he intended to make a new album. He told me that he did not have enough strength to make a solo album, that he wanted me to sing in a group and in a collective way” Berzaitz participated in the tribute show to Xabier Lete and in the theatre show Sortzen beste batzuk and, taking into account that experience, he wanted a quartet composed of two men and two women. After talking to Joxan Goikoetxea, “we went to Erramun Martikorena’s house. We were welcomed in the house and Pier Paul said he would like in the group, that he wanted to cooperate.” After receiving the approval of Martikorena, he proposed to Berzaitzi Magali Zubilhgh,a young Bajonavarra, and to Estitxu Pinatxo, navarra, Goikoetxea. That's how the singing quartet was formed.
They started preparing the repertoire. The Egunsentiaren kantak show is composed of well-known songs by Pier Paul Berzaitz and recently created songs. The last poem of Lete, Egunsentiaren esku Izoztuak, is the foundation of Berzaitz's new songs. “For example, Lete’s Eternitatea poem, recently created by Pier Paul, has been adapted to the blues style by Joxan Goikoetxea and sung by Estitxu, so everyone is drawn to it. Martikorena has included some songs from her repertoire, in her usual style, we have not wanted to break or cut the way of singing from Erramun,” says Arbelaitz.
They have prepared a two-hour show in which they will sing individually, by pairs and in groups. They also intend to record a album, from the show "Egunsentiaren kantak" (sunrise songs). “It’s usually done backwards, first the disk is recorded and then the presentations are made. But in view of the successful announcement we made at Hernani, we have made progress. We'd like to have a stable group, making forever songs, but mixing them with the new sound. Stitxu and Magali’s female voices also give her another touch. There are singers with many years of experience on the stage, but there are also young people” says Arbelaitz.
We've come to Pier Paul Berzaitz to learn more about these sunrise songs. They are songs by Ipar and Hego Euskal Herria, as this show brings together musicians from the seven territories, updating the traditional Basque songwriter and updating our tradition. Berzaitz believes it is important that the old Basque basket should be contemporary so that our tradition can be maintained, so that it can be renewed. The work of Joxan Goikoetxea has been fundamental in this respect. “Our goal is to make music to qualify, because Lete’s poetry gives way. On the other hand, I have always wanted to mix tradition and innovation. Because tradition is not understood without modernity, innovation is necessary, both in our people and in the song. We have to confuse ourselves, invent new things.”
Berzaitz remembers her latest conversations with Lete. The Lete himself asked him to make music to the Frozen Hand of Dawn (Pamiela, 2008). “He told me when he published the book of poems. From there comes Egunsentiaren kantak, because many of the poems he has written have that starting point. When we started the show, we wanted him and his poems to be present,” says Berzaitz.
Tradition and contemporaneity, as well as ways to sing in Ipar and Hego Euskal Herria. “We wanted to make a classic concert by mixing new and old songs. On the one hand, there are new songs, but on the other hand, we have included the songs in the repertoire of each of them. We've taken some songs from Erramun's repertoire, Estitxu or Magali. We're old friends. On the other hand, Joxan Goikoetxea is a talented musician, with a great experience and giving the place that corresponds to the contemporary and tradition. On stage, there are young singers with a lot of experience, and it seems that it's been invented to give a special color to each other's way of singing. We have gathered singers and musicians from Ipar and Hego, who have also dressed the show in different colors,” according to Berzaitz.
They intend to make presentations in the halls of Euskal Herria and, as has been said, to record the record for the future. “The album is important to us, even though the music industry is in a delicate situation. We would like to make a good album, from some great words, create beautiful music and in a good atmosphere, with pop-folk touches.”
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