Political and economic decision-makers are accustomed to strange language, but their words often conceal serious social consequences. And it should be clarified, because the citizens are not stupid. Last week, lehendakari Urkullu said on an international stage: “XXI. The welfare state of the twentieth century will not be the same as that of the twentieth century, because it is changing the capacity of the public sector of the State”. And he added: “XXI. The state of the twenty-first century has been reduced to the monopoly of public activity and will not be the guarantor of all the services that the citizen demands”.
What is the welfare state for Urkullu? What do major infrastructures bring? Because there is money for the TAV, for the tunnels of Sollube and Autzagane, for the exterior port of Pasaia, etc. Will welfare not be achieved through the consolidation of hospital networks, the improvement of health services, job creation, support for the unemployed – in Hego Euskal Herria there are 223,832 unemployed people – the payment of Social Emergency Aid, the increase in benefits for pensioners and the reception of dependents or immigrants?
Let Lehendakari and other political leaders clarify this. Why is the capacity of the state and the public sector changing? Why is it so urgent to build large anti-social and anti-economic infrastructures? If there is no money to maintain the welfare state, why not launch a radical tax reform that eliminates tax havens and fraud and charges the powerful? Here what is changing are the interests of those who govern us. They are in the service of the banks rather than in the service of the citizens. There are the billions of public money stolen from citizens to save the banks.
The idea of this article emerged when on 24 November lehendakari Urkullu leaked that he would not be a candidate and, consequently, it was found that he would go after twelve years in office without significant gestures with the victims of the State.
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