I'm in the sweet waters of the Oria River. A friend calls her Amazoria. At the Alan without Gila, from the sea bar, up to the height that allows the water load on the most vivid tides and down to the sea, you need to be with this kind of shows. Water tribute plants, the landscape tilts. Fresh water down, salt up. The highest, the one that touches the foliage, the most salty. Life. -Yes, the pit. Vegetable choreography of the photo: Lezka (Phragmites australis), Rainutria (Fallopia japonica) and Milazka (Tamarix gallica). One southern or southern, one Japanese and one French. Dominating our own bowels!
Pinudian barrena bidea. Bidea ixtea komeni. Tarteka ireki egin behar. Gereta, ataka edo langa, zerbait jarri behar. Eta hari eusteko baldoa. Burdin hagarekin zuloa egiteko eta zur-mailuarekin jo eta sartzeko lanak hartu beharrean, errazena: aldameneko pinu tukurrari... [+]
In Italy, Nemi, Galian Luc, Lugo and Nemetobriga... There is no end to the list of sacred forests in the world. And they would certainly have been in our house! In the forests, fairs, parties, meetings, sacrifices -- what wasn't going to be done at another time. Forests and... [+]
In this time of the longest days of the year, if the work of orchards, fields, meadows, apples, etc. is advanced, the atmosphere encourages to climb to the peaks of the mountains. In short, as the days shorten and shorten, the hottest days of summer will arrive and, instead of... [+]
The news comes from South America: here we have the bush without thorns (Rubus fruticosus). The agricultural research institute INIAP of Ecuador has just presented a bush that does not produce thorns, a variant that bears the name of Andimora 2013.
Every time I remember... [+]
Munduaren bi heren herren da, hirugarren herena baso dugu. Lurrez 40 milioi km2 baso, 7.000 milioi eskas biztanleontzat, bakoitzarentzat 6.200 m2 baso. Mundu guztiko baso hauen bostetik bat Errusian bizi da, bere lur guztien %47,9an, hau da, 809 milioi hektarea edo 2.427 milioi... [+]