The cold waters of the Gulf of Bizkaia have received affection from the hot waters of the Caribbean, and as the tide passes, the songs here and there have been released in this whirlwind “Karibe Kantauri”. The open sea that separates the continents from two countries so distant from each other thanks to this album that will not leave you indiferente.El
La Jodedera group has mixed the melodies that dance in a distant sea with the songs that we sing on the Basque coast, and in this way, in any corner of the towns of Euskal Herria we have brought songs that we could dance in the streets of Old Havana by drinking salsa. Although those who move smoothly through the warm rhythms are more numerous at the other end of the sea, they invite us to make an effort to move the hips of those who stay next to the bar in Euskal Herria, to dare to make a small balancín after the third beer. And if you are one of those who do not move to dance, you can also vent with the Cuban versions of the most famous songs of Euskal Herria or with the Basque adaptations of traditional Cuban songs.
For example, you will
be known songs such as The axes of my reel singing Atahualpa Yupanqui or the Joxe Migel Batel that we have sung thousands of times, or Zergatik deny egin, although the fundamental melody of this last one will totally oir cambiada.La the first song of the album says that "we have found", as we have met Cuba and The album is full of songs that guide different aspects that unite us, and the lyrics of the songs, impregnated with humor and sarcastic sounds, are based above all on social issues: the role of the current woman in traditions, violence of power, corruption of the authorities, abuse of capitalism...
The warm rhythms of runba, bolero, salsa, guaratxa, danzon, etc. are dancers. You can hear them on the disk. Also the free willingness of the rich to sing and playing, keeping the rhythmic base, as a sign of this tendency to improvisation. Mandi Cienfuegos (percussion and voice) and Oscar Havana (clover) are the members of the group and the Basques Jon Txorromorro (guitar, voice and txotixea) and Jon Oiartzun (bass) complete the quartet. Born in 2009, you will be able to count on your you, who will be able to enjoy the live performances, and which attracts and attracts people.
The musician Mikel Azpiroz, in an interview on the occasion of the Jazzaldia of San Sebastian, stated that being a musician in these difficult times is a great adventure. There is no reason for it. For those who are musicians and for many who are not, life itself is becoming a difficult “adventure”. Music can be an assiduous that helps bring day-to-day worries and concerns, even in a small dimension, because it has that magical ability to relieve your permission pensamientos.Con, I will take the
daily dose, this time with mojitos.