An Euskaltzale friend, recently promoted to the Olympus of writers Bernardo Atxaga, made me ferocious criticism. She was an ideological critique, as her friend saw a dangerous pollution in Atxaga's thinking. However, he did not stop wondering whether the writer's Vasquism was real or whether its contribution would favor the Basque. I said: “Also leaving out Bernardo Atxaga, with whom will the Basque country advance?”
It is an old matter, but from then until today I have seen too many times how the Vascophilus is associated with a concrete form of thought and with others, denying the condition of “authentic” Vascophilous. And this could be, without further ado, the example of the umpteenth of stubbornness; but the issue is very serious, in this case, the tenacity weakens very intimately the popular movement in favor of the Basque.
The Basque country inevitably needs to strengthen and build up support, we are too few to make Euskaldunes, let alone Euskaltzales, effective enough. What is even weaker is that we give up. In order to transform the situation through institutional policies, it is necessary to create a critical mass in favour of these policies, so that the opposites do not become an organized majority.
To do so, it is necessary to build common soils. But it's clear that common soils can only be broad around very basic ideas. As details are added to the content, members are lost. The floors are down, the roofs are up.
Therefore, and based on this, it should only be the enemy of the Basque Country who expressly impedes the use or development of the Basque Country. All others, including those who are passive or indifferent to the Basque country, can be part of a common ground, if the Basque country is set as an objective coexistence, equality, responsibility or respect.
Fieldwork shows that we are about a third of Basque citizenship, and that there is a third more in favor of the Basque. The task of the Euskaltzales is, first of all, to take a step backwards in the political ideology of each of us and us to meet around the common interest we have with all the Euskaltzales, and then to strengthen and expand our collaborations.
And at the same time, set aside the indifferent, and turn the ones next to them into amateurs, and activate even more Euskaltzales ... Above this pile we will discover the sea of standardisation.
Otsailaren 28an Hendaian eman dio hasiera kanpainari Herri Urratsek. Euskararen transmisioa bermatzen duen Seaska babestea da helburua.
Gukak “Bilbo erdalduntzen duen makina” ikusaraziko du kanpainaren bidez. 24 orduz martxan dagoen makina salatuko dute, eta berori “elikatu eta olioztatzen dutenek” ardurak hartzea eskatuko dute. Euskararen aldeko mekanismoak aktibatzea aldarrikatuko dute.
Hamahiru ZirHika kide batu dira hitanoaren erabilera aldarrikatzeko eta antolakundearen ekintzen berri emateko. Azalpenak Badihardugu elkarteko Idoia Etxeberria eta Galtzaundiko Uxoa Elustondok egin dituzte. Horiei, Andoni Egaña eta Amaia Agirre bertsolariak eta... [+]
Gabonetako argiak pizteko ekitaldia espainolez egin izanak, Irungo euskaldunak haserretzeaz harago, Aski Da! mugimendua abiatu zuen: herriko 40 elkarteren indarrak batuta, Irungo udal gobernuarekin bildu dira orain, alkatea eta Euskara zinegotzia tarteko, herriko eragileak... [+]
We Basques move our feet behind the witness of Korrika to proclaim that we want to survive as a Basque people in favor of our language, with the aim of the Basque Country we desire.
The tipi-tapa is the first step taken by a migrant person who leaves his homeland in Africa,... [+]
Euskaraldia comes back. Apparently, it will be in the spring of next year. They have already presented it and the truth is that it has surprised me; not Euskaraldia himself, but his motto: We'll do it by moving around.
The first time I have read or heard it, the title of the... [+]