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AHTren biktimak

Tamalez, inposatu diguten Abiadura Handiko Trenaren makroproiektua kalte ekologiko, ekonomiko eta politikoaz gain, giza biktima ugari eragiten ari da. Egunotan bi gertakarik berriz mahairatu dute proiektu faraoniko eta antisozialaren zentzugabekeria: Bergarako obretan lanean ari zen pertsona baten heriotza eta proiektu honen kontra egin diren mobilizazioak. Jadanik zazpi dira 2008tik obra horietan lan istripuen ondorioz hil diren langileak. Immigranteak eta azpikontratatuak, giza biktimak dira, prekarietatearen biktima eta baita proiektu horren arduradun diren erakunde publikoek (Eusko Jaurlaritza, Nafarroako Gobernua, Espainiako eta Frantziako gobernuak) onartu behar ez lituzketen lan baldintza kaskarregien biktima ere.

AHTk beste biktima batzuk ere baditu. Euren ingurua eta bizilekua nola galdu den ikusi duten familiak –etxeak eta lurrak barne–; halako galera konponezina ordain merke eta lotsagarrien truke izan da gainera. Ingurune naturala deuseztatu dieten herriak ere biktima dira. Dirurik ez dagoela eta, eskubide sozial eta laboralak murriztu dizkieten eta ongizatea suntsitu dieten langile eta herritarrak ere bai. Izan ere, dirurik ez dago, baina milioika euro xahutzen dira Lemoiz berri bat izatera kondenaturik dagoen obra bat egiteko. Lakuako gobernuak presa dauka trenbidea eraikitzeko, baina horretarako 1.400 milioi euroko zorra egin du Europako Inbertsio Bankuarekin. Azken batean, euskal herritarrak biktimak dira, ez baitzaie sekula galdetu obra faraoniko hau aurrera ateratzea nahi ote duten.

Orain zaila da biktima horiei egindako kaltea konpontzea. Hasteko, obren luzamendua iragarri dezatela, eta hurrengo pausoa izan daiteke geltokirik ez duen trena betiko geraraztea.

You are interested in the channel: Abiadura Handiko Trena
Adif says that the situations of labor slavery denounced in the works of the AHT are "false"
After receiving the scandalous testimony that AHT Geldi denounces the existence of situations of labor slavery in the works of the High-Speed Train of Navarre, the company Adif that promotes these works has had to respond publicly: "They're a lie."

AHT Pause denounces the existence of situations of slavery in the works of the AVE of Navarre
The workers of the fast train that is being built in Navarre denounce that they are in a state of slavery during the press conference of the association AHT Pause in Pamplona.

They denounce that the AVE will lead to a large expropriation of agricultural lands in Álava
Representatives of the Añana and Trebiñu gangs, as well as farmers and ranchers in Álava, have denounced that they suffer "enormous institutional contempt" for the work of the AVE. More than two million square meters of “fertile land” will be expropriated in these places... [+]

For a quality public rail service for the Ribera

In recent weeks we have been reading "proposals" for the recovery of the railway line Castec-Soria and the maintenance of the Tudela train station in its current location, or for the construction of a new high-speed station outside the urban area with the excuse of the supposed... [+]

2024-12-18 | ARGIA
The Basque Y will not connect with Ipar Euskal Herria until at least 2042
The French Government has confirmed to the Spanish Government that the High-Speed Train will not reach Hego Euskal Herria (Irun link) until at least 2042 years later. It is not among the priorities of Paris.

TAV: The Spanish Government is considering a "third" alternative for connecting the Basque 'Y'
The Secretary of State for Sustainable Transport in Spain, José Antonio SANTANO, has stated that the Basque Government has admitted a resource on the connection of Ezpied-Itsaso, which would not "harm" Aralar.

2024-11-27 | Julene Flamarique
TAV works in the CAV are delayed until at least 2027
The Basque Government expected the High-Speed Train to be ready by 2027 when the Astigarraga-Hernani stretch ends in February 2024. The Basque Government has now launched a tender for the works of the Arkaute link, which has made available to the company Euskal Trenbide Sarea,... [+]

Polls begin in the Otsobi Council land without asking for permission
Preliminary surveys for the construction of the High-Speed Train on Otsobi Council sites have been initiated without information being provided and without request for authorisation. The Stop Surveys platform reports on the situation: "The surveys have been launched without... [+]

They call to mobilize against the TAV project running through Lapurdi
The CADE group, made up of environmental associations, has denounced that the TAV going through Lapurdi is progressing in its development. He has scheduled for 12 and 13 October in Gironde, in support of the protest organised by the Altxuak network on Earth.

Neither galgo nor hunting dog

We have been with the "summer snake" over the TAV for a few weeks and with the possibility of linking the "Basque Y" from Pamplona, from Ezkio or Vitoria.

It is disappointing to see that our People continue to depend on decisions concerned and not supported by the galgos and... [+]

The Spanish Government says that the connection of the TAV with Ezdox-Itsaso has "problems" and bets on that of Vitoria-Gasteiz
The Spanish Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente, has assured that the connection with Navarre "is the most acceptable" in Vitoria-Gasteiz, because the Eztango-Itsaso route has "technical complexity".

Works of the TAV and Renfe: cuts and headaches in the rail service of Gipuzkoa for seven years
Since the beginning of the tunnel excavation in Gaintxurizketa in 2017, the restrictions and conditions of the works of the TAV to the Renfe railway service have been constant. Now, the Spanish Ministry of Transport has announced that this service will be interrupted for several... [+]

2024-06-06 | Jule Goñi
Stop polls, key

In the spring of last year, in Sakana, in Izan and Goierri, flooding was introduced in the municipalities of these areas for the conduct of geological surveys for the works of the TAV. In the canyoning 15 surveys have been requested in the municipalities, from Erro to Olazti /... [+]

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