We will start a nice circular tour in Plaza Iparragirre, at the foot of a stone image erected in memory of the great historical singer of the same name. We will go up Nekolalde Street and take the road to Santa Barbara. It is recommended to travel the first two kilometres by road, as the shortcuts that avoid the curves of the road are more prepared for the walkers than for mountain biking. The decision is personal.
Leaving behind the Irigon and Etxaburu farmhouses, we will reach the height of the Santa Kruz farmhouse, near the hill where the famous Aikur Bees Museum is located; highly recommended, visit the museum. But today we continue our path: In the Santa Kruz farmhouse we leave the road that goes to the hermitage and hostel of Santa Barbara and take to the right on the road of Nebera.
If on the road section we have comfortably climbed up here, the one from here on is tougher; yes, we will start enjoying the mountain bike. We will lighten development and rise at a quiet pace, enjoying the landscape, in the shade in most moments, on the road to Nebera. We then reached a junction and ascended in the direction that Nebera puts. Soon we will reach the Lizarriturri junction, right in the Irimo skirt, but we will go ahead, to Trekutz. The track narrows a little and takes on a more mountainous, more savage, more steep look even in some moments. In any case, suitable for cycling, enjoy.
We will not take long to play the Laarrangi collado, less than half a kilometer from Trekutz. At all times in the shadow, development hardens and becomes easy until it reaches the old source of Trecutz, renovated almost 30 years ago. In summer it brings a little flow, but at least it will serve us to catch a little bit of strawcaldite. We are now in the land of Antzuola, we go ahead of the Gaztelugain society, on the Trecutz hill, and we continue to descend on the other side.
The descent is fast, along a wide gravel road but sometimes quite dangerous. It has not been renewed for a long time, and over the years and the inclement of time, they have made holes that force us to walk carefully with the bicycle. This road is headed to the port of Deskarga, but halfway we turn left in search of the beautiful Agerre village, and then we reach the hermitage of Santa Barbara, on a fast and, now, safer descent.
The hermitage and the renovated Santa Barbara hostel is a place specially loved by the urretxuarras. We will not lack the opportunity to replenish forces once here. From here we will go to the town on the road that passes through the Mendizabal, Zuloaga and Erratzu villages, but after looking at the palace of Ipeñarrieta, near Santa Barbara. The facade of the palace is slender and attracts any visitor.
We took the road down and unhooked the bicycle on the hillside and immediately reached the church of the Passionist Fathers and the district of Pagoeta, south of Urretxu. We cross the long street of Labeaga and end in Plaza Gernikako Arbola a nice trip of about fifteen kilometers in which the best known sounds of Iparragirre are remembered.
The most experienced and strong mountain bikers, once they reach Trekutz, can also try to climb to the top of Irimo, although in this stretch it is difficult to walk on the bike at all times. On the proposed lap there is no inconvenience to complete the journey on the bike. Here too, the decision is one of oneself.
Eustaquio Berriotxoa argazkilariaren lanari buruzko ikerketa egiten ari da Andoni Lubaki, Urretxuko Udalaren babesarekin. Euskal Herriko lehen gatazka argazkilaria izan zela uste da.
Ozpinduta. Halaxe nabil azkenaldian. Zuetako batzuen moduan, pentsatzen dut, edozer gauzaren aurrean zaunka. Bizi dugun egoera berez ere nahikoa etsigarria ez bazen, zenbaitzuk are etsigarriagoa bilakatu nahi dutela sinesten hasia naiz. Sinesten hasia norbaitek gure herriak... [+]
Goierriko Kontseilu Sozialistak A-636 errepideko bidesaria bizitzaren garestitzearen adibide bat gehiago dela dio. Hilabete daramate peajearen aurkako protestan; ostiralean 19:30etan elkarretaratzea egingo dute Urretxu-Zumarragako Areizazga-Kalebarren plazan.
200 urte beteko dira abuztuan Jose Mari Iparragirre jaio zenetik eta haren bizitza kontatuko lukeen pelikula biografikorik gabe jarraitzen dugu, biopic baterako materiala soberan dagoen arren: gudari, kantari, seduktorearen historia dago, batetik, heroi nazional bihurtu zen... [+]