Aurtengo uztailaren
zazpitik zortzira
aldatu zuen jende
askok ikusmira.
Zertan bizi hitzarmen
handiei begira
Madrildik erreformak
egitean tira
denak ezerezean
geratzen badira?
Erru bera daukate
onartu zuenak
eta lan erreformaz
baliatu denak.
Hitzarmen eta sosez
nahiz mintzatu denak
eskubideak dira
jokoan daudenak
urtetako borrokak
lortu dituenak.
Orain arte gaituzte
jipoitu, epaitu...
baina Madrilgo soka
ez da hor amaitu.
Nahieran tenk jartzen da,
nahieran lasaitu
sokak berekin karga
gehiago bai baitu
eta eten ezean
ito egingo gaitu.
Askotariko edoskitze ereduak ikusarazten ditu Todas las lactancias (Txalaparta) liburuak. Erakundeek bularra ematea gomendatzen dute, baina ez dituzte nahikoa baliabide eskaintzen eskubide hori bermatzeko. Ondorioz, edoskitzea nahi dutenek zein biberoia ematea erabakitzen... [+]
Mirari Martiarena and Idoia Torrealdai.
When: 6 December.
Where: In the San Agustín cultural center of Durango.
The fourth wall breaks and interferes directly, standing and fearless. ZtandaP is a way of counting from... [+]
The most magical weeks of the year, or rather, the most consumerist, come. Many would like to receive gifts from Olentzero's bag, as if it fell from the sky, but the reality is that at Christmas it is our bags that suffer the most, we start the year with empty pockets. In the... [+]
Where: Ahotsenea (Plateruena, Durango)
When: 8 December
Scarves, umbrellas and eye holes are the protagonists of December 8 in Durango. On the last day of the fair they have joined at noon on Sunday and the densest winter... [+]
Novelty is usually one of the most heard words associated with the Durango Fair. The novelty is there, and here's the novelty. However, in some cases it is sufficient to give a different aspect to the previous one to paste that label. The CDs and remastered reeditions with... [+]
The Basque country has a very large water flow in the shortage. Every local drop curls and revives our culture. Offer a sea of water to that thirst. Although the Basque Country has come from a deep and dark well, we have all drawn our sample of salt water and turned it into a... [+]
Young people start consuming pornography before, as porn is their only sex education. How on earth have we come here?
Today, it has to be acknowledged that thanks to the Internet it is much easier to see pornography. Unfortunately, through a click, the 7-9 year-old boy comes to... [+]
France 3 Euskal Herri telebista katea apalduz doa. Kate horretako kazetari eta langileek jakin berri dute berriz ere programazio eta finantzaketa apaltze bat pairatuko dutela. Egun oroz, zazpi minutuko berriak eman izan dituzte, baina iragan udatik bi minutuz murriztu zieten... [+]