The president of the GHK consortium, Ainhoa Intxaurrandieta, was constantly looking at the great hole that was on her back, surrounded by members of the board of directors, to point out the legal breaches that justify the suspension of the works.
In this great site, as recognized by the integrated environmental authorisation granted by the Basque Government, the incinerator was to generate the infrastructures for treating solid slag and toxic ash when the garbage has been burned... that have disappeared in 2011 in a concession granted to a group of companies. This disappearance, coupled with the elevation of the soil of three metres, seems to be too many changes to continue working without calling for environmental authorization again, but no one spoke, nor did the Basque Government responsible for monitoring projects. The GHK authorities have decided that it is illegal to carry out works of art in this way.
Militants who have long fought the incinerator have not found a date for their celebration in champagne on 12 July. Perhaps the closure of the project does not have a day, but to anyone in doubt Intxaurrandieta, president of GHK, has told him from Gara that the incineration plant has no way back: “It is true that the works were paralyzed, but the contract was in force, we have now suspended all the possibilities for the execution of the works with the finding that the project does not comply with the environmental conditions”.
Those who in the 2007-2011 legislature managed the GHK consortium as the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa made a special effort to tighten the purpose of the incinerator. There is no need to hate the PNV and the PSE to underline that. When the Abertzale left, which had been illegalized for a long time and even more outside the institutions, was able to participate in the elections in the Bildu coalition, most of the time it got dominion in Gipuzkoa, on the eve of passing the chain of command to the new winners, they chained with two special locks the remains of this territory. On the one hand, allocate the construction of the incinerator and on the other hand, link the financing.
In these two years, the new Bildu rulers have had to go through a maze that can drag the coldest politician and manager. The most voted group, but in a minority in the face of the opposition that has agreed on this, firstly to guarantee the daily management of waste, secondly to begin to materialise the paralysis of the incinerator that it had ordered in the elections, while at the same time organising an alternative plan, while at the same time establishing an alternative system in some towns, without forgetting that attacks by the main media were being attacked every day.
With Zubieta's photo, GHK officials have imagined that they have found tools to pierce the armor they inherited. In return, the shielding, in exchange for the shielding, wants to close any path that would give a respite to the intention of the incinerator.
The other parties, with the exception of Bildu, have stressed that the GHK is on the verge of bankruptcy in the face of the collapse of the oven project. After Deloitte’s audit recognised the consortium in 2012 a positive profit of 8.8 million, it has increased its loss by 46 million. The PNV, the PSE and pp have almost unanimously declared that "Bildu leads to the hole in the GHK" to the Abertzale left.
The point is that in the coming months a great deal will have to be said about the accounts of GHK, those of now and those of before. The court will examine the loans agreed with La Caixa, Banesto and Sabadell, which are nothing but speculative swaps. For these reasons, the citizens of Gipuzkoa are paying interest on unspent credits as if they were actually invested. Their principal signatory, then President Karlos Ormazabal, is no longer in politics, but his successor, Denis Itxaso, in addition to the Secretary of the Environment of the PSE, is also President of the Commonwealth of San Marcos.
As the crisis of the 21st century has alerted us all to the importance of public money, this fall will result in trending TOPIC for Zubieta builders. The debate on responsibilities can warm up in the autumn.
In addition, it could happen that now that the GHK has suspended the award of the construction, the business group leading FCC will also be involved in the case. If this were the case, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the next group of governors that would take over the GHK, in addition to politics, would find the Zubieta incinerator entangled in two judicial proceedings.
What is at stake, in the end, is the Council. Bildu has ruled this institution in the first year because he was authorized by the PNV and in the second because the PSE let him breathe. Now that the great pact between socialists and sympathizers seems a bit bogged down, is it going to end the third year and how?
One thing will be clear for history: Bildu has stopped the Gipuzkoa incinerator, demonstrating that the waste has another management. To recognize it, you don't have to be a Bildu fan or a Sortu fan. Lemoiz was Fukushima a Biscayan who said that ETA had stopped him, but one action by ETA must not be justified. In Zubieta, Bildu is fulfilling his word and then it will be the citizen who judges the citizenship.
Non egon da Eusko Jaurlaritzako ingurumen sailburuordetza urte guztiotan? Bestela esanda, bistakoa da Jaurlaritzak izan behar duela ematen dituen baimenen jarraipena egiten duena. Baina Zubietan dena da desberdina eta promotoreak berak salatu behar izan du: “Aizu, nik orain kudeatzen dudan enpresa honek tranpa egin duela, baimena eskatu eta lortu ondoren proiektua aldatuta ari zela obrak antolatzen!”.
Nor ote zen obra ikuskatzeko arduradun? 2011ko kontuez ari garenez, Patxi Lopezen agintaldian Ingurumen eta Industriako sailburu izan zen Pilar Unzaluren agindupean ingurumenean bi pertsona eduki zituen Lakuak sailburuordetzan: ekainaren hasiera arte Pilar Teran eta data horretatik agintaldia bukatu arte Arantxa Leturiondo.
Unzaluren beste sailburuordea, industriakoa, Xabier Garmendia zen. Arantxa Leturiondo bezala EIAtik eta Euskadiko Ezkerratik iritsia PSEra. Biek eduki zuten garrantzia ETA(PM) bizirik zegoen garaian. Hemerotekek bildu dituzte Juan Infanterekin batera Leturiondok polimili preso eta iheslariak bergizarteratzen egindako abokatu lanak.
Handik laster Garmendia azaldu zen Jose Antonio Ardanzaren gobernuaren (1991) organigraman, Jon Larrinaga sailburuarekin ingurumen sailburuorde.
Gobernua utzirik, Garmendiak industria eta ingurumena uztartuko zituen. Neuciclaje izeneko konpainia antolatu zuen, bazkide hartuz Bizkaiko pneumatiko eta zemento enpresa handienak, autoen gurpilak porlan fabriketan hobeto erretzeko prestatzeko, horra pneumatikoen birziklapena zer izan daitekeen.
Era berean FCC eraikuntza eta zerbitzu publikoen multinazionalaren filiala den Cementos Lemonako kontseilari ordezkari ere izan da. Baina hondakinen errausketa eta kudeaketaren arloko lan nagusia DPA aholkularitzatik egina du.
Gipuzkoako hondakinen plan nagusia, gaztelaniazko PIGRUG siglez ezagutzen dena, Javier Ansorena orduan Foru Aldundiko zerbitzuburuarekin batera sinatu zuen Garmendiak. Gipuzkoako eta Bizkaiko hondakinen plan nagusiak leitu eta alderatu dituztenak bien antzekotasun harrigarrian oinarritzen dira hondakin plan biak benetan Garmendiak eginak direla esateko.
Mundu osoan korporazioen indar handiegia salatzen dutenek ate birakarien fenomenoa aipatzen dute, gaur administrazioan eta bihar multinazionalean ari diren politikari profesionalena. Xabier Garmendia da kasu paradigmatikoa. Berak planifikatutako obrak esleitu zitzaizkion bere enpresari... eta bera zegoen horien fiskalizazioa egin behar zuen Jaurlaritzan. Ondoko sailburuordetzan, hori bai, industrian.
The City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián announced at last Thursday’s plenary session that it will increase the waste rate by 26.5% from January 2025, claiming that Waste Law 7/2022 obliges this. Eguzki, for its part, has denounced that the law only applies in terms of costs,... [+]
August is the holiday month for many people, including those who rule. And yet it is common to take advantage of the month of August to deal with some issues without much noise, albeit of great importance.
This is what is happening with the project to centralize sludge... [+]