A) I have learned that one of the last deliveries of the Game of Thrones series has been traumatic for most viewers, to the extent that few have been able to keep quiet that almost all the protagonists die there.
B) Everyone knows that in the last volume of À la recherche du temps perdu the lost time is relocated, or that Albertine dies. How long is it too early to make a spoiler appear?
A) George R. Oh my God! Martin himself spoiled, damaged, poured out or anticipated the release of the section, when thirteen years ago, in the year 2000, “drew” and described the disaster in the book A Storm of Swords.
B) This week I learned about Albertina, her death and her lesbianism (who suspects the protagonist). Reading a speech by Anne Carson about Albertine, the woman who sleeps the most in Proust's novel. The name Albertine appears in 2,363 occasions, being the most cited character. 807 pages of La Recherche. In 19% of those pages Albertine is sleeping. Albertín has four ways, according to Carson, that the protagonist, Marcel, is not his owner: to sleep, to lie, to be lesbian, to die.
C) The assassination of Roger Ackroyd (Igela, 2004) in the novel that first brought Agatha Christie to success greatly influences narratology. Gerard Genette, Umberto Eco or Julia Kristeva, among others, have been responsible for analysing the case. Pierre Bayard, known for his attempts to speak of unread books, dedicates a full book to him, revealing the contradictions that the killer is Dr. Sheppard and proposing a new killer. Do I love the libro.Qui to Roger Ackroyd? I read it at least twice.
D) Using Genette's terminology, we can say that a spoiler is nothing more than a prolepsi (or flashforward), breaking the diegetical framework, that is, metalepside.
A) The production company HBO is concerned about whether the series will stay with the novelist or not stop without bringing anything to the screen. Many have become angry with Martin’s slow writing speed. The rhythms of writing are other, also those of reading. The author says she is not in a hurry. That you have enough of what you have published, that if you take it to film with all its nuances, you can't get to your height. It's the duel between Achilles and the turtle. A comparative literature subject in progress.
B) Marcel Proust also wrote against time. The fifth, sixth and seventh volumes of La Recherche were published at his death.
C) Who killed Roger Ackroyd? When I first read, I didn't know who had actually killed Roger Ackroyd. Of course, I learned of Agatha Christie’s version that the killer was the one who recounts the story, telling us the facts he describes, but nevertheless deceiving us. Who killed Roger Ackroyd? Even when I read her for the second time, I knew who the killer was. From one reading to another, memory failed me and suggested a third killer to me. I came to the conclusion that, in my case, spoilers don't work.
A) Spoilers do not spoil anything. That's not understood by most people. They start yelling at him “that doesn’t count,” as if he deserved something that can be sidelined. In fact, it's best to get rid of the mystery of the work and focus on what's important, including the mechanisms of mystery. The suspense cannot be summed up in a sentence.
Party and recreation. Oral History of Rock Radical Vasco
Javier 'Jerry' Corral
Books, 2025
Javier Corral ‘Jerry’ was a student of the first Journalism Promotion of the UPV, along with many other well-known names who have... [+]