The others will be created in the memory of
Joxan Lizarribar
Singers: Equipment: Mikel Urdangarin, Petti, Olatz Prat, Arantxa Irazusta, Alex Sardui, Mixel Ducau, Eñaut Elorrieta. Reciting: Harkaitz Cano.
When: 21 June Where: In the theater Leidor de Tolosa.
In the Leidor Aretoa de Tolosa, where we live with a lot of emotion, the others will be created a special show. Joxan Lizarribar, former chairman of the Berria Board of Directors, was honoured at the event held on 21 June coinciding with the tenth anniversary of this newspaper.
It was inevitable, we expected a concert with a lot of emotional load and in some moments there were moments of excitement, especially when listening to the reflections of the singers who knew Joxan.
Although the melancholy tone was present, the contributions of the singers mixed other sensations, and those who approached the Leidor Aretoa were able to hear one of the most beautiful concerts of recent times. Among the listeners I was with some acquaintances of Basque culture.
A simple yet elegant setting. They had a professional team that adapts to the peculiarities of this project. In addition, the excellent acoustics obtained with the reform of the Leidor Room helped ensure the highest level of sound quality and facilitated the work of the sound technicians. With the contrasts of the light games, the volumes created between the shadows, the artists who were on the stage had elements to shine.
The impressive voice of Estitxu Pinatxo started the concert, with the words of Bitoriano Gandiaga Hemen euskaldun izan… The impression caused by the poet’s words did not take long to unravel in the public.
One of the luxury guests of this concert was Mixel Ducau. 35 years ago the Errobi group sang in Tolosa the song Nire lekukotasuna (my testimony) together with Eñaut Elorrieta, and formed a couple with Olatz Prat, the song Lurra. The artist, who played the acoustic guitar, electric guitar and saxo, enjoyed the stage with Xanet Arozena as an accomplice of the work.
Singers such as soloists, couples or trios were interspersed on the stage. To mention a few passages, such as when the sweet voice of mezzosoprano Arantxa Irazusta coincided with the soft voice of Mikel Urdangarin, or when they sang Petti and Estitxu at the same time, when the flame they have as soloists doubled. Eñaut Elorrieta, with an exceptional timbre, placed his sensitivity in the songs and the expressiveness of Alex Sardui again brought out the applause and the screams of the people. The room was very hot.
They sang songs of various styles and rhythms: tango, pasodoble, blues, rock... Everyone had their peak, because the choice of the song that best adapted to the records of each singer was well made. On more than one occasion they had the opportunity to look both at familiar songs by Basque authors such as Laboa, Lete, Imanol, Lertxundi, and at Basque versions of international songs – Joe Cocker, Janes Joplin, James Brown. They also sang their own songs. In this live broadcast, we perceive the spirit necessary to reach people, more in one than in another, but we come to that attempt to transmit, each in his own way, what he lived.
Noteworthy is the performance of Joxean Goikoetxea, who, in addition to playing the accordion and keyboard, has made various song arrangements and directed the group. The Hernaniarra brought together experienced musicians: Txema Garcés al bajo, Xanet Arocena a la guitarra, Luis Fernández al cello, Nika Bitchiashvili al violín and Oriol Flores a la battery.
The retransmission that last year honoured Xabier Lete throughout Euskal Herria continues with this new edition of the tour that was born with the aim of maintaining a long life. On this occasion they have been freer both when choosing songs and when working on musical styles, especially in their adaptations. Several international songs that have become classics have adapted to the Basque country with the recovery of the works of the Basque singers. They have continued their commitment to bring together different singers, bringing together several generations on the stage, as a showcase for leading artists with a Basque musical vision. With the construction of the bridge with new generations, territoriality has also been taken into account. A collective recital, plural, that will be renewed from sight to sight and that will be revived with the illusion of satisfying people with the performances.
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