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The only 100% rock camp in Álava

  • July is the time of colonies. Many young people go to the mountain, to the coast, to play or to learn languages. Some of them will learn what rock is, for example, to the Gaztock colony organized by the Helldorado Association of Vitoria-Gasteiz. This initiative, a pioneer in the stays in this discipline, reaches its fifth edition this year.
Fito Gazterock udalekuko kideekin, Helldorado aretoan.
Fito Gazterock udalekuko kideekin, Helldorado aretoan.Helldorado elkartea
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Helldorado is a veteran association of musicians located in the Polígono Industrial Venta de la Estrella de Vitoria-Gasteiz, which in the last fourteen years has organized hundreds of performances by foreign rocan-roll groups. But those in charge of the association believe that it is essential to work the quarry to keep the rock, so in July every year they make an effort for ello.El responsible for the Helldorado association,
Juan Uriarte, tells us that from the Provincial Council of Álava they were asked to present a project. “One of the technicians of the Provincial Council of Álava proposed to us to organize a camp of another nature, linked to music.” They thought it was a good idea and they looked for references in Europe, but they didn't find anything like that. “In the end, we presented them with a project based on our daily lives and they accepted it. That’s how we started working.”

In fact, Helldorado was part of the international network Rock School, which was born in Bordeaux, and the project that emerged in Vitoria-Gasteiz had its own educational system. “In our workshop the choice is quite good, hence the great success of our camp. Our motto is Do it yourself, that is, young people have to do all that; we don’t force them to anything and they respond very well,” Uriarte said.

Although there was no reference at the time of Gaztock’s creation, similar (but not equal) initiatives can be found today. For example, around the BilboRock room. But not all branches of rock are contemplated.

Over 60 young people aged 16 to 17

Thus, every month of July, more than 60 young people, in Helldorado, make a stay of 12 days, in the hostel of the area. They are usually between 16 and 17 years old and come, in addition to from Hego Euskal Herria, from Galicia, Castilla-León and Madrid. Uriarte explained that “it is convenient for people who come to play a musical instrument, but it is not mandatory, because in rock they will find other areas. Still, we ask them to have a great interest in music.” In fact, for 12 days, between 09:00 and 21:00 hours, they are dedicated to the creation of combos, essays, recording of models and video clips, photography studio, sound and lighting work, group merchandising design, learning to do graffiti or dance Lindy hop, among others.

They also take theoretical, but only basic, lessons. Every year, the girls at the Electra nightclub in Vitoria-Gasteiz, through videos, give a talk about the history of rock to young people and leave them open when they explain who invented rock and roll or how soul was born.
Some learn to play the instruments better, others will discover the hobby of photography or video… “In these workshops you will learn above all that the essential thing is to have a good time, that playing well is not the most important thing,” said Helldorado’s agent.

All local teachers

The monitors and teachers of the workshops are from Vitoria-Gasteiz and the members of the association. “In our own association there are people trained in many disciplines and we have a great experience. Therefore, we don’t have to go outside to find teachers,” Uriarte explained with Alavese pride. Rockaina, Sumision City Blues, Gramones and Soulbreaker train young people at the test site; the sound and lighting classes are taught by technicians from the Helldorado room, while photography, video and script are taught by professionals close to the association.

The expected 62 seats are immediately filled. In fact, more than one wants to repeat. A reflection of this is that, among all the colonies that are held in the Spanish state, GazteRock is the one that has received the highest score among the bandsvenes.La coordination necessary to keep so many young people in the workshops throughout the day for two weeks is a great job, but the organizers recognize that it is a very motivating and
grateful task.

Break the myth of rock stars

Some afternoon they meet a well-known musician from the Basque Country. Until now they have been taken to the summer camp El Drogas, Evaristo, Soziedad Alkoholika and Fito. “The goal is to show young people that all musicians began to be unknown and to demystify the issue of rock stars. That working is possible to advance the music, and perhaps it becomes popular.”
But what these young people love the most is to play. And one more year, after rehearsing, recording and making video clips or promo photographs, they will offer a concert in the Helldorado room with a real rock group, in a single 100% rocker colony.

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