Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Related to Nature, Assembly and Galician

  • 50 years ago, several parents decided that they wanted an Euskaldun school for their children. And they created the ikastolas. Two years ago, several parents decided that they wanted a Galician school for their children. And they founded the first Sement, the germ of the Galician school.
Naturarekin harremana Sementeren bereizgarrietako bat da. Ortua eta oilategia dauzkate.
Naturarekin harremana Sementeren bereizgarrietako bat da. Ortua eta oilategia dauzkate.Josu Gaintza
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The idea emerged at the Gentalha do Pichel social center. Around Compostela (a Coruña, Galicia) the most intense social movement is concentrated. Without waiting for the administrations to give them anything, they decided to sow the first seed of the Galician school. Feel, think and do.

In fact, in Galicia there is no guarantee of an entirely Galician teaching between 0 and 6 years. The galley schools were set up under the government of BNG and PSG, but pp has replaced the program in 2009 and currently there is no model of immersion in public education. What's more, in cities, school transforms children. For Alvaro Mera, a Sement educator, who means seed in Galician, “In Santiago it is common for children to lose the Galician they bring home. So, Sement wants kids who take home Galician not to lose their language. But also to offer a space to live in Galician to those who do not bring it home.”

13 people from Euskal Herria, sociolinguists, professors, artists, among them Porrotx and Marimotots, we approached there to get to know the Semente School of Santiago. Also to show the children here and not so small the reality of the area. To build bridges between minority languages, or rather to build bridges between speakers here and there. We've been rubbing between cultures with legs, touching and caressing between cultures. Exchange ideas and emotions.

And what is Semente? It is an entirely Galician school for children between two and six years old. But it's more than that. They use transformative pedagogy. It's a school that wants to create free, responsible and critical children. And for this, his pedagogy has a series of characteristics: it is a secular school, it leads to co-educational practice, it is directed through the assembly, it joins nature – with garden and hen in the open air – and it is a school open to the community, among others. In Alvaro Mera’s opinion, “we do not want children to adapt to school, but the school to adapt to children.”

The participation of fathers and mothers should also be highlighted. They participate in Sement, meetings, everyday life and fundraising initiatives. They form an educational community together with educators and children.

Sement has taken the first steps. It starts with two children and grows constantly. He is a second year old, has 13 students and has exceeded the number of places for the third year. 25 children will have the opportunity to learn at Sement. In the area of Vigo work has begun with the intention of building a new Sement, and in the area of Ferrol there is also movement; the next course will be created an entirely Galician avoescola.

Bruno Vilela, Sementeko aita
"Galizierazko eskola nazionalaren lehen hazia izan nahi du"

Zergatik erabaki zenuten zuen alaba Sementen matrikulatzea?

Motiborik indartsuena hizkuntza izan zen. Lagun eta senideekin ikasi genuen eskola gure seme-alabak erdalduntzeko tresna zela. Sementek, ordea, bermatzen digu gure alabak jarraituko duela galizieraz egiten eta, gainera, kalitatez. Hori izan zen arrazoirik garrantzitsuena. Baina, horrez gain, badaude beste arrazoi batzuk ere: hezkidetza, naturarekin eta ekologiarekin harremana izatea, eskola laikoa izatea, eta abar.

Zelan hartu dute zure familian, lagunartean eta abarretan erabakia?

Oso ondo hartu dute, familiak behintzat. Familiaren muina garen Marta, Joana eta hirurok pozez zoratzen gaude. Umea ikaragarri pozik dago. Asteburuak ez zaizkio asko gustatzen, Sementera etorri nahi duelako. Aitita-amamek, osabek, izekoek eta abarrek ere oso ondo hartu dute. Azken finean, eurek ikusten dute umea zein pozik dagoen bere eskolarekin eta horrek egon zitezkeen muga guztiak apurtzen ditu. Horietako gehienak Sementeko bazkide egin dira, familia ia osoa etorri da eskola ezagutzera eta pozarren ikusi dute espazioa. Gainera, proiektuak ilusioa pizten du eta hori igarri egiten da.

Semente ezagutzen ez duen bati, zelan azalduko zenioke zer den?

Nik animatuko nituzke hizkuntzarekiko eta beste heziketa mota batekiko kezka duten guztiak proiektua ezagutzera, espazioa ezagutzera, hezitzaileak ezagutzera. Aurreiritziak bertan behera uztera, alegia. Semente proiektu irekia da, proiektu herritarra, komunitarioa. Eta hazteko bokazioa duena, gainera. Galizierazko eskola nazionalaren lehen hazia izan nahi du.

Hasten den proiektu oro bezala, ilusio asko pizten du, nahiz eta garai zailetan egon, bai hizkuntzaren aldetik baita ekonomikoki ere. Baina Sementek lortu du umeak poz-pozik egotea. Horregatik, jendea etortzea nahi dugu, probatzea, eta gustukoa badute, parte hartzea.

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