We take nature to the end, to the end. We've had industrialized agriculture for a long time, and we've taken it to a stubborn wolf hole. And it takes us. Advances in systems and techniques lead us to increasingly hostile paths. We're leaving! Where? To destroy the wealth that for millennia had matured in the name of the business, to do something different from ourselves. It's a business, now agriculture. Anyone who wants to live as a farmer will need a psychologist or something again.
New varieties or classes of plants are produced in the smell of performance. The varieties that best adapt to the objectives of the business are left out of the way. What I said the other day, for example. After a very sweet Kiwi, he investigates for 23 years and gets it, but he has lost the ability to deal with disease along the way. The fruit growers who have invested in their production have been staggered. They go head-to-back and throw themselves ... The kiwizale has had to reach psychologists. Alarms are clear to anyone who wants to see them. There are many examples of agricultural business. For example, the industrial barns that produce cow's milk, increasingly leaving native food and bringing it out of the outside.
You know what's going on with the seeds. In addition to harmful GMOs, large companies are assimilating the use of seeds through patents. As politicians graze in the jars of those companies, we will soon have no right to natural seed ...
Also, nuts without seeds are becoming more and more frequent. Pears, for example. Bananas, spikes, etc. They've stopped growing seeds, futile work. We multiply them by cloning with grafts or cuttings, and they don't have to think about reproduction. They will soon bear no fruit...
Like the diseases of the yellow kiwi, we ignore until there is a problem that tends to kill them all, but then we drown. Let's turn on all the alarms. In the meantime, two terrible things have been done and five for us. This alarm creates an environment to admit any barbarity: for the first time antibiotics were used to treat deafness, which apparently had the ability to lose all apples.
To end with the kiwi, more than 90 species are known, but with the Actinidia clarified, the kiwi cocktail is the last of them. The last one we've gotten out of fashion. It will also have a hole in the back.
192 milioi sagar 2024. urtean. Segundoero sei sagarretik gora saltzen du Britainia Handiko Tesco supermerkatu kate han ezagunak; ia 27.000 tona. Zenbaki ikusgarriak dira baina are harrigarrigoak dira bertokoak, Ingalaterrako sagarrak direla jakinda.
Lagun baten gomendioa dela medio, Nafarroako Gobernuaren altzoko INTIA nekazaritza institutuko Laborantzen Babeserako atalean dagoen jakinarazpengunetik Fruta-arbolen osasun kudeaketa zuzena egiteko kontuan izan behar dituzun gomendioak dokumentua eskuratu dut, eta baita amaren... [+]