In 2008, Egyptologists Salima Ikram and Andre Veldmeijer launched the Ancient Egyptian Leather Project (AELP) to study the technologies used by Egyptians in this activity. Among other topics, the project focused on leather carts.
These useless carriages, named after A. C. It began to be used for military purposes around 1650. They were subsequently also used for the transport of persons and goods. But because they were made of organic material, they haven't been preserved until today, and we only know their existence through murals and reliefs.
Project members discovered that in the warehouses of the Cairo Egyptian Museum there were pieces of leather strips for the horses, but when they went to see the material they found 300 pieces of the cover of a chariot. Now, by creating the missing fragments to form the puzzle, an Egyptian chariot is being rebuilt for the first time.
This weekend I've been thinking about the word 'aesthetic' in relation to a phrase said by a friend: “This work is aesthetic.” I have studied the etymology of the word aesthetic, it seems that its meaning was originally perceived through the senses, and it was later associated... [+]
Life surrounds everything, it is limited and fragile. To live good lives, it seems to me that the body knows what to do, while the mind, although it knows (when it is well informed), often sees the body deliberately silence. In this silence the mind opens itself to relations... [+]
The consumerist culture we live in sends every user to an unreasonable enjoyment. As Slavoj Zize says, Enjoy your fetish, it has become the rude mandate of hypermodernity. Current enjoyment is carried out through existing technological devices to occupy the place of fetish. But... [+]
In 2018, I leveraged social media and most communications from devices to try to control where I focus on life. Every day I go on that task, in the light of the moth, because my curiosity is constantly looking for fresh information to help me understand reality. At that time I... [+]