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Frederique Espagnac
Frederique EspagnacParti Socialiste
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

A brave wife, a professional policy, a state policy that wants to get involved in her country. It is Frédérique Espagnac, a political leader who has reflected on local problems in recent years, heard in the Government. In the midst of the scandal. So far we had become accustomed to following another woman: MAM (Michèlle Alliot-Marie); in favour of a few. Dangerous with the Abertzales, who knows a lot about what happened with Jon Anza and who always cares a little bit about Euskal Herria.

Mrs Espagnac has been seen as another nobility when it comes to politics, critical explanations have been heard about her party. However, politics is moving forward and politics is not at present in line with democratic practice. In fact, the main interest of the movement for the Community is the political exercise, the democratic exercise, the work for the common interest, the work of years. Politics is not there today, powers come above them and are complied with. Today, more than ever, it is enough to look at how the organizations of the Public Schools were made to understand it.

The amendment was tabled in Paris and has already been voted on. It is impressive how easy it is sometimes to make a political decision. Of course, this decision does not jeopardise the government, that is important to the government of François Hollande, which has a parliamentary majority. On the other hand, this has offered socialist training to go politically to prepare for the next elections. Everything clean! Do we believe that the Socialist Party and the UMP have forgotten their own political interests because they have reached a political consensus? Whatever the theoretical consensus.

This real policy does not please anyone, but I do not believe that local politicians will be left out if the Pole is set in motion.

We must continue to work for the Territorial Community and for the peace process, perhaps I can help Mrs Espagn-ac influence this, even though they are very fond of the Franciscan repression surrounding them. Our challenges are diverse and we will need help from all, including the most pragmatic politicians.

The Territorial Collectivity is still ahead, Independence too, our struggles have not ended, we know our environment and we do not lose hope. Our way, we'll do it, it won't always help us. France has not yet freed Polynesia or Kana. They will not give us gifts here either. In any case, despite the many obstacles and the policy, we are going to continue above all. n

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