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Pentsio publikoak defendatu, duinak eta eguneratuak

  • Pentsioen erreformaz “adituen batzordeak” Espainiako Gobernuari egingo dion proposamenaren inguruan hainbat datu argitaratu dira egunotan. Badirudi gaur egungo eta etorkizuneko pentsionistei eragingo diela. Hitz gutxitan esanda, pentsioek erosteko ahalmena gal dezatela proposatuko dute. Hala, pentsioak ez lirateke inflazioaren arabera eguneratuko, gutxienez KPIa adina igotzeko automatismoa desagertuko bailitzateke. Horren beharrean, “adituek” proposatzen dute eguneraketa automatikoa Gizarte Segurantzaren finantza egoeraren menpe egotea: hau da, pentsioak Gizarte Segurantzak izaten dituen diru-sarrera eta gastuei egokitzea. Irizpide hori gaur ezarriz gero, pentsioak asko murriztuko lirateke. Etorkizuneko pentsionistek jasoko luketen zenbatekoa berriz, bizi itxaropenarekin kalkulatuko litzateke.

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Bistan da pentsioetan dagoen gastu publikoa murriztu nahi dela. Erreforma berri hau inposatu nahi dutenak bankuak dira –BBVA eta Santander batez ere–, euren aseguru-etxeen bidez. Ez da kasualitatea Mapfre, Aviva eta BBVA gisako aseguru etxeetako ordezkariek osatzea “adituen batzordea” delakoa. Eurek jadanik bermatuta dituzte pentsio pribatuentzako plan gozoak.

Erasoaldi kapitalista berri honen aurrean, pentsio publikoak defendatu behar dira. Sistemaren “iraunkortasuna”, hazkundea eta enplegua sortuko duten politika ekonomiko egokien bidez lortuko da: paradisu fiskalak eta iruzurra desagerraraziko dituen zerga erreforma erradikala eginda; gastu militarra deuseztatuta –Espainiako Defentsaren urteko aurrekontua 7.000 milioi eurokoa da eta 2025 arte 31.000 milioi euroko zorra du–; eta obra faraonikoentzako gastu publikoa ezabatuta. Hego Euskal Herrian, Gasteiz eta Iruñeko gobernuek gaur hemen kotizatzen dugunoi pentsio publikoak bermatu behar lizkigukete, pentsio duinak eta eguneratuak. Berriz ere nazio subiranotasunik ez izateak kaltetzen gaitu.

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2024-11-12 | Jon Torner Zabala
Pensions will rise by 0.9% in Iparralde compared to the new year
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The delay in the retirement age does not compensate: we will die sooner and the state will lose money
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"In verses," I. Pensioners. Bertsolaris Competition
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Pensioners mobilize at Bilbao holidays
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Retire at 72? Why the proposal of the Spanish business lobby has no grip
The Employers' Circle of Spain says that the way the public pension system does not fall bankrupt "within five years" is to extend the retirement age between 68 and 72 years. This lobby uses the same discourse as the extreme right in the United States and elsewhere.

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A mauletarra must testify before the court in connection with the protests against reform of the
The mauletano who was arrested at a demonstration against the reform of the retas must testify at the Baiona court next week. Several citizens express their solidarity: “Repression is accelerating the rise.”

Despite the reform of the reserves, the crowd reconvenes in Baiona
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Late retirement and longer working hours

What is the thought of the small trace of the complaints made on 28 April and that their only succession is the continuous chain of accidents and deaths of workers. In Azkoitia, once again in construction, a 62-year-old worker dies in a very common and therefore avoidable... [+]

The Pensioners' Movement of the Basque Country will make three marches requesting a pension of €1,080
They left Bilbao and Bergara on Monday and Agurain on Tuesday. On Thursday, the three demonstrations will be held in Gasteiz.

2023-05-17 | Joana Garcia Lera
Black Retirement

When grandparents were young, retirement was represented as a time to enjoy life. Period of collection of the fruits of the work carried out during these years. What a satisfaction! It is a pity that young people today are never able to feel. You might think I'm a pessimist, but... [+]

The French Constitutional Council rejects the referendum on reform
On 8 June they have the next option to overturn the law that has gone from 62 to 64 years. In fact, on that day they will vote on the bill proposed by the independent group Liot to annul the law. The unions have set the fourteenth day of strike for 6 June.

Eguneraketa berriak daude