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Two ends of the same string

  • Linked, united in one, but with two names and two. The municipality of Amasa-Villabona consists of the rural nucleus of Amasa and the urban nucleus of Villabona. The old yarns have reached the present day, although over the centuries they have been unevenly screwed. Apparently, Amasa was the cradle of Villabona. Following the rope we will tie the two ends, making a tour of landscapes of green color.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

We'll start in Villabona. To reach this corner of Tolosaldea, twenty kilometers from Donostia-San Sebastián, we have the N-1 or the train and bus services. The starting point will be the parish of Villabona, where there is no loss to find the bell tower yellow. At the top, the clock had been delayed for five minutes as usual and the salvation of those who always crawl. Without going any further, we will see the Subijana house in front of each other. It shows the industrial development that Villabona experienced in the 19th century. In fact, the building was for almost a hundred years the offices and housing of the elderly of the textile factory Subijana and Cía. That was where the ikurriñas were first sewn in Hego Euskal Herria. Recently, the City Hall has been renovated so as not to miss the house and has become a space for the development of Basque culture and, above all, of Bertsolarism.

To the left, down the street, we headed towards the neighborhoods of Larrea and Arroa. In the 1970s it was created because the works of the road began and were filled with inhabitants nearby auzunea.Ordura, until the place was the kingdom of a redhead who made as a teacher with the brush in front of the canvas. This calm dominated the manor house Etxeondo, which for more than 30 years was the home and source of inspiration for Bixente Ameztoi.

Following the steles of Ameztoi

Although the environment has changed, Etxeondo spies visitors with an ancient beauty. The building maintains the tone of the palace, while the cedar of Lebanon continues to welcome the entrance to the house. Ameztoi, who was leaving Etxeondo in the direction of Amasa, turned every day. Following his footsteps, we turn left and follow the path that leads us to Aranerreka.

Following the color of the chlorophyll, we went into places full of hazelnuts, as if we were going into a painting of Ameztoi. Along the way we will also find the most elegant cottages. Musturi Azpi, for example. They say they did it with the stones that were left over in the church of St. Martin. The arches, the elegant windows and the porch stand out. At the next crossing, we will go up the road to the left and take advantage to drink water at the fountain next to the sink of the farmhouse Mikeligartza.

On the Amasa road we will reach the recreational area of Komizar. It is a corner to keep in mind when it is good time, as large meadows and tables placed in the shade of the trees make it an ideal place to spend a good day. Then we went on a pinar, at the intersection we turned left and arrived at Mandabieta. The road so far is marked with the name PR-GI 120 drawn through these white lines. In this area we will find the PR-GI 118. They look like simple streaks built on trees or rocks, but they require a lot of work. Thanks to the commitment of the local group Aizkardi Mendi, they have managed to maintain the nominations for the tours that will take place in the town.

From there we will go down to Lastur and a little later, after passing over the highway, we will have before our eyes married: Borda behekoa, Arrieta and Kalatas. In a short time we will reach the starting point. Following the paved runway we will take the road to the Plaza de Villabona and with a little luck we will hear the echoes of the pelotazos, announcing a nice show.

Rebound echoes

Villabona is one of the few places played in rebound in Hego Euskal Herria. One of the most veteran ball games we usually play in Basques. In Villabona, the fame that this game has had is to call Errebote Plaza to the town square. Famous player quarry, it's always been a deeply rooted tradition in the village. Today, the Behar Zana association works to maintain the tradition, working with adults and young people. The matches are played on Saturdays afternoon, starting at 4 p.m., but you cannot say an exact date because the season starts and the matches are gradually taking shape. The work carried out by the association is large, and the objective is clear: they do not want the name of the Plaza de Villabona to become insignificant.

A single rope, sometimes entangled, relaxed in others -- seemingly invisible, but has managed to stay for centuries. Both are necessary, as there are no strings without two ends.

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