The world, society, everything changes, but there are feelings, emotions, emotions that never change and, although today we can say that we have a rather mechanical life, we emocionan.El love and death
are protagonists in the opera La bohème de Puccini. The action, which takes place in the Parisian neighborhood of Quartier Latin, has as its protagonist a group of artists who in their beginnings live with joy and without worries, even without money. But this joyful life becomes a tragedy when the protagonist, Mimi, dies of theses. I mean, it's a simple argument, but it's those that make you cry. Puccini's circular music has given this story a wonderful envelope. Feelings are shaken by the score. In short, it is one of the most beautiful operas of the
century XIX.En this time, the ABAO has been a simple and clean production to end this season. This assembly of the Oviedo Opera Foundation, with its simplicity, attracts and attracts the public from the very beginning. The realistic scenography, without such a strange oneiric gesture in recent times, gave credibility to the action. The stage leadership of Emilio Sagi is very effective.
But let's look at the musical aspect. The Orchestra of the Teatro Regio de Parma always acted softly, emphasizing the voices, with delicacy. Miguel Ángel Gómez Martínez, director of the Euskadi Symphony Orchestra in its early years, proved to be, without a doubt, a quality opera director. And the voices, well in general. Soprano Inva Mula deserved an outstanding role in Mimi, as in all the arias and in all the owners he exercised in a wonderful way. It wasn't so inspired, instead, by Stefano Secco, playing Rodolfo. The Valencian soprano Carmen Romeu made the perfect Musetta. In addition to their vocal faculties, their sense of interpretation extended to perfection. Her Quando m’en vo (Musetta’s famous waltz) was filled with life and strength. Simone Piazzola's silly voice made Marcelo a Grand Marcelo convincente.El
Bilbao Opera Choir, finite, as always, and a special mention of the children of Leioa Kantika Korala, who were brilliant.
Orchestra of the Teatro Regio de Parma.
Address: Miguel Ángel Gómez Martínez.
Bilbao Opera Choir.
Address: Boris Dujin.Direccion Scene: Emilio Sagi. Soloists: Inva Mula (soprano), Stefano Secco (tenor), Carmen Romeu (soprano), Simone Piazzola (baritone). Place: Euskalduna Palace Date: 18 May.
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