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"It would be difficult not to respond to the request of the Single Commonwealth of Iparralde"

  • 1953, Azkarate (Baja Navarra). Farmer. Member of AB and ELB. He has served as mayor of Azkarate for 20 years. Have been Councillor of the Pau General Council. He is the President of the Urola Kosta Commonwealth. He is well aware of the centres of power of popular politics. Despite being simple spaces, he has told us that the first intention of the Abertzales must be to take them.
"Batasuna desagertu da, baina lotura eskasa ikusten dut militanteen lanaren eta herriko engaiamendu politikoaren artean. Politika ez da soilik Euskal Herriaren osotasunean aritzea, edo eslogan batzuk erabiltzea".Dani Blanco

The new political era has also reached Ipar Euskal Herria. However, the main demand of local political actors (the Basque Department in the past) is the long-standing demand, the result of popular mobilizations and struggles: The Single Commonwealth of Iparralde. Citizenship – and most of the elects too – will be demonstrating for the umpteenth time on 1 June in the streets of Baiona. We have talked to Jean-Michel Galant, Mayor of Azkarate, about the new political time.

On 27 April, hundreds of political, social, economic and cultural actors held a seminar at the University of Baiona. You asked the French Government to set up the Single Community of Iparralde. What did you think about the seminar?

For us, those of us who have experienced the seminar from within, the day has been very important. We met representatives of all parties to reclaim this new institution. There is some sort of consensus that has never been achieved so far. It is important to emphasize that members, senators, advisors, most of the elects from the Basque Country have met. Bringing 500 people together is a lot. However, Paris has to respond to that request, and unfortunately we have not had an answer.

Besides claiming, on 1 June, you reconvened a demonstration in the streets of Baiona. Does the current call have any particularity?

The peculiarity is that they call us more agents than we meet on the Batera platform. For example, calling the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, calling the heads of the workshops is a novelty. It's a new force. In addition, there are agents who were not previously called for by the Basque Department, who called for the Single Community of Iparralde, and who want to have more powers. The Department ' s request was driven, above all, by nationalists. Since then, it was Batera who took the initiative. It is now an initiative of the elected representatives in particular. The next date is 1 June.

What does it mean that there is an MEP from the UMP, Alain Lamassoure?

We enter the political game. As you know, in politics words do not mean the same thing. I do not think anyone is wrong about this. Alain Lamassour long ago said “Le Pays Basque doit être connu et reconnu”. (The Basque Country must be recognised and recognised). However, he had failed. Nor has this new request been echoed in Paris. However, we should not lower our arms.

In any case, the position of the French Government is the same as always.

If Paris does not listen – a territory where the majority of citizens’ representatives speak unanimously – if it does not give a small answer it will be difficult. I would feel very bad if I did not answer. We should not dream if there will be a total answer. The truth is that, without an answer, the lack of an answer is quite clear. The Territorial Community is no longer going to take place, but our contribution is there. The structure of territoriality is being analysed in France. They have asked us for new ideas, and we, at least, have brought ideas.

The French Government is in the hands of the Socialist Party, which has announced its victory. The Members here – Alaux and Capdeville – are socialists and also Senator Espagnac. Do you think your commitment is sincere?

I don't know what to think. It is up to you to bring the request forward. But if they do not get anything, they have to give answers to the people. In other words, there is nothing to do with the Socialist Party, and perhaps they should leave the party. Or are they just playing? However, they have gone a long way in their statements, they have said very significant things, and if they do not bring the matter up now, I do not see that they have an easy solution.

Do you have to ask them how far they are prepared to go?

It can be demanded, but it can also be demanded from other parties. Jean-Jacques Lasserre (President-in-Office of the Council of Elects) has gone further than ever in recent months. It may be invented, if we come to the Territorial Community, it could become the president of that structure. Maybe you're thinking. He lost the presidency of the Pau Council.

The peace process was also mentioned in the seminar. That the approval of the Debabarrena Single Community would help along this path. Significant at all.

This is due to the paralysis of violence. I do not know what influence it has had in Paris, but here, the end of violence has helped citizens to assimilate and make the idea of the Territorial Community mature. Consensus has also been reached because some have no excuse for violence to reject the College’s claim. Yesterday they said that the petition was not being brought forward for that reason, so today they have to be in favour. Lasserre said aloud that it had helped him move forward. Is it true or political game? Politics is between truth and play.

Batasuna has vanished in Iparralde. Has a new time come to the ranks of the Abertzales here?

The new era is still new. I don't know. We must see what the new stage will be in the next municipal elections. Unity has disappeared, but I see little link between the work of the militants and the political commitment of the people. Politics is not just about acting in the whole of Euskal Herria, or using some slogans. Or it's not just that. We have to see what relationship there is in small towns. I think there's something like a fracture, which is yet to work.

In Anarte, due to years of work, the other parties have partly joined the objectives of the Abertzales.

The normalisation of nationalism has taken place, it was something that was out of date, therefore, good. They've taken some ideas from the Abertzales, but they're the ones in power. And you have to be in the power to influence politics. The votes of the people next year are very important. It is an important task, that is to say, we must concern ourselves with the needs of small peoples to enter the houses of the people, to take power. The Abertzales are the third force, but to govern you have to be the first. So that's when you can actually make your policy. We are, of course, on the right track. Many young people have nationalist ideas, but others also have young people.

The door has recently been opened for the establishment of the Lower Commonwealth of Navarra. Garazi-Baigorri, Iholdi-Oztibarre and Amikuze. What is your opinion?

The Herri Elkargoa is a people of tomorrow, a structure made by the peoples. The 30 peoples of Garazi-Baigorri have already given to the Commonwealth some of the tasks entrusted to them. The peoples are giving their strength to the Commonwealth. Between now and 10-15 years the people will hardly do anything, the functions will be assumed by the Public Schools. I prefer the closeness, the closeness of power, the space to do things right, which is waste collection, which is the need for children's schools. Define the construction of daily services. Where can we do better, between 30 and 70 peoples? Between the territories of Amikuze and Baigorri there is a tremendous gap, relations between the inhabitants are scarce. Some, on the pretext of meeting with Baxenabarre, in the idea that the province will be joined, want a single Commonwealth. It's not my way of seeing or my desire.

Is it the will of the right? Among them was Mr Barthelemy Aguerre.

Aguirre and some nationalists also want it. There would be 89 villages, of which four are from Zuberoa: Pagola, Domintxine, Etxarri... On the contrary, nine others from Lower Navarre would be excluded: Donamarti, Donosti, Isturitze, Aiherra, Heleta... These are linked to the Hazparne Commonwealth and others to the Bidaxune College, such as Bastida. Moreover, this idea has not come either from the peoples or from the prefect. The prefect proposed the organization of two public schools. The people of Iholdi-Oztibar, Irisarri and Suhuskune proposed moving to the Garazi-Baigorri Commonwealth. Because everyday life is done at the College here. The idea of the Baxenabarre College emerges from the three voters. The Mayor and CEO of Baigorri is the will of Jean-Baptiste Lambert, Mayor of Armendariz and CEO of Iholdi-Oztibar, Lucien Delgue, and Amikuze CEO, Barthelemy Aguerre. Others have said no, including Councillor Frantxoa Maitia. The prefect has asked these peoples what they think, but without doing any analysis, in some villages it has begun to vote in favour. But why? What is the College’s project? What tax consequences will it have? These questions have not been answered.

You said that there are also patriots who want it.

Some relate the dream of the union of Bajonavarro to the intention of the Territorial Commonwealth. They say that if in this case the collegiate structure were so large it would be easier to obtain the Territorial Commonwealth. I don't know how that can be conceived, because two structures have different levels. The Public Schools deal with the things of everyday life and the Territorial College would manage the competences of the current General Council. I don't see any connection.

Farmers in general do not agree.

Although the Public Schools have little concern about agriculture, Agüer, one of the owners of the Lurberri cooperative, has never supported mountain farms, but those of Amikuze. He has opted for maize, he has not supported cabala farming for many years. In Garazi-Baigorri it is very special. The farmer lives mainly on the mountain, where he raises cabals, especially sheep. For us it is a great loss that the cultivation of Amikuze marks the future of our cultivation. You just have to see how Lurberri has developed.

The Socialists say that the Bajenabarrena Commonwealth is in favour of the right.

A lot of things are mixed together. If this area is not articulated, some say that the region of Amikuze can go with Bearne, that the boundary of Euskal Herria can change. And Zuberoa what? If so, is Zuberoa going with Bearno? The limits of the Basque Country must be preserved by the Territorial Community, and all the elect agree on ello.El the risk that all the Public Schools will join is that the right loses proximity, that the right take power in that Public College for many years.

There are therefore few advantages, from your point of view.

Yes. From Urepel there is an hour on the way to the other end of Amikuze. What will be the motivation of the collegiate representative? Today, 50 people meet at the popular council of Basé - Garazi, we know each other, society is made, those natural cruises are the ones that adapt to the needs of every day. We have no relationship with the peoples beyond Donapaleu, we know little about day-to-day life and its problems. If we all met, we would be at least 89 on the board. I am therefore afraid that I have lost my motivation. We shall lose the motivation of the votes of the Houses of the People, who have little to do. Here my fear is to move forward without any objective. They're to write the goals.

What is your proposal?

Construction of two public schools. The Iholdi-Oztibarre is divided into two, one part in Garazi-Baigorri and the other part in Amikuze. Thus, four public schools would be similar in the interior: Zuberoa, Amikuze, Hazparne and Garazi-Baigorri. 14,000 inhabitants, almost equal. The best way to balance the interior territory.

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