Two different paths emerged within the capitalist system in the twentieth century: In 1930, the English economist John Maynard Keynes considered that the States of each nation should play an active role in the economy of their countries, advocating that the governments of each country should apply laws and standards to their markets. Keynes proclaimed that these, the States, should be the inspectors of their nation ' s economy.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was created under the auspices of the nations that succeeded in the Second World War, in 1944, during the period of liberal ideology.
The IMF is a legally born inspection organization in the United States. One of its most important objectives was to promote international monetary cooperation through a stable exchange of money, in order to enhance and promote trade among them, as well as to assist participating countries with balance-of-payments problems.
This construction worked quite well, as it succeeded in reforming the global economy. However, in 1970, the American economist Milton Friedman proposed a new economic ideology within the capitalist system, which we know and suffer under the name of neoliberalism.
This economist said that the economy of the planet should be in the hands of big corporations. The State should not act as a supervisor, as a big capital, the market around the world would only move on a regular basis. Today, multinationals play in any part of the planet, taking into account only their profits. The institution of the IMF has opted for the line of neoliberalism, leaving aside its beginnings.
Powerful women are great advocates of this economic ideology, one of which is Christine Lagarde, Managing President of the International Monetary Fund since May 2011. According to the prestigious journal Forbes, it is the seventeenth most powerful woman in the world. Christine Lallouette was born in Paris 57 years ago, and today is known for the surname of her former husband Lagarde. After completing her high school education in her country, she moved to the United States to continue her studies thanks to a scholarship. He studied law at the University of Nanterre. His first steps in the work were taken in the United States, where he worked as an assistant to a congressman at the Capitol.
He was a minister in several governments chaired by the French political party UMP, and at the time of Sarkozy he was a finance minister. Like Christine Lagarde, Angela Merkel or Margaret Thacher, who has just died, she is a passionate fan of Milton Friedman.
Lagarde has used his excellent intelligence to destroy the industry of many peoples, to deepen unemployment, especially for women, to reduce wages, especially for women, to impose the worst working conditions, to privatise public assets and to transfer public money to private hands. It's not enough to be a woman and take power, if you don't create new situations from the root. Ms. Lagarde is nothing more than a pillar of this Patriarchal and Patriarchal Society.
In May 2013, Christine Lagarde has to testify to French justice for having paid EUR 403 million in public money to businessman Bernard Tapie when he was Finance Minister.