Fruitua landarearen gailurra da. Sustraia, zuztarra eta hostoa bizitzeko nahitaez behar dituenak. Behar baino gehiago elikagai sortzen duenean erreserbak gizentzen ditu. Eta behin heldutasunera iritsita eskuera nahikoa elikagai badu ugaltzera joko du. Ugaltzeko landare gehienek lorea eman, hura ernaldu eta haziak helduko dituen fruitua onduko dute. Landare bati kendu nahi diogun mozkina lorea, fruitua edo hazia bada baldintza horiek bete beste aukerarik ez da: heldutasuna –inausketa askok galarazten duena– eta elikagaiak. Baldintza derrigorrezkoak, beti ez nahiko, ordea.
Lorea nahi izatera bai, baina fruituak edo haziak behar izanez gero jai. Horiek sortzeko lorea ernaldu egin behar, bi sexuak nahasi behar. Horretarako lankide beharrean dira landare gehienak: haizea, intsektuak... Azken horietan garrantzitsuenak erleak dira. Badu, bai, fruituzaleak haien premiaren berri.
Erleak erakartzeko trikimailuak dira loreak, batez ere. Kolorea, forma, egitura, jarrera, itxura, usaina, lurrina, nektarra, zukua, mugimendua, edozein joko on da lorearen helburua burutzeko. Bere burutu behar horretan landare askori burua joan egin zaie, zoratu eta zorabiatu, eta intsektu bakar baten gogara makurtu eta preso dira. Hark nahi duen itxura, usaina eta abar sortzeraino joan eta gero ezin buelta, hura behar sexurako, fruiturako, hazitarako. Intsektu horrena baino ez den edertasuna sortu du landareak, niretzat nahiko nukeen edertasun esklusiboa eraikitzeko gaitasuna... Intsektuei inbidia hartua naiz, bekaiztua.
Erleak bezala erlastarrak, kotxorroak... bakoitzak bere loreak ditu, zain ditu. Guk mozkin nahi ditugun horiek sortuko dituzten loreek zein hegalari behar duten jakitea komeni. Eta lagundu. Eta lagun egin.
Mozkin fruituez ari garela baratzera goazen. Oraintxe antolatzen ari da uda aldeko baratzeko lanen muina. Pentsa dezagun zein fruitu bildu nahiko ditugun: artoa, babarruna, leka, piperra, tomatea, alberjinia, marrubia, kuia, luzokerra, kornixona... Haien loreetara zenbat eta intsektu polinizatzaile gehiago erakarri, orduan eta fruitua oparoago.
Tomatea, adibidez, burupolinizatzailea da, berez ez du inoren beharrik. Eguraldia hala-moduzkoa bada, ezin burulan hori burutu. Erlastarra lagun ona du horretan. Horiek loreetara inguratzeko tomatepeetan latxortena, Lobularia maritima, jartzen da. Alyssum ere deitzen zaio. Usain gozo bete baratze eta saski bete tomate.
Last night I went out quiet and hunt snails. After the beautiful day, the sky had cleared completely and everything pointed to the dew being beautiful. In the hope of that humidity, I suspected that our pair, snail and serene, would go for a walk.
I took it, I took it. Twilight... [+]
There are other avenues that go beyond organic farming. The ecological aspect, in today’s day, only means that they comply with regulations. It is a breakthrough over traditional industrial or capitalist agriculture, but it is not a destination for some. Agroecology,... [+]
More and more modern materials are being seen in orchards. This horticulturist has changed them in winter to eat sprouts in spring. Regordeta plants are snails and slugs, a tender food. But corrugated plastic tubes, five-liter water bottles... Everything is OK to keep the hungry... [+]
How many hours have our farmers spent in the misery of what comes from heaven? And those who will have to pass. You'll never lose that fear of what might happen over time, you'll hide, you'll walk away, you'll fan away, but you won't be able to move away forever.
We have prepared a... [+]
I've stared in a corner of Jacob's vegetable garden. Joxean Artze makes us cuckold by the back cover and Nemesio Etxaniz by her fold. Koldo Izagirre, Lauaxeta, Montoia, Juan Kruz Beloki, Borges or Xabier Lete are other grains that can be found at the bottom of the... [+]
The passersby we have thrown into a new world, we have had to face a number of difficulties that have made us enjoy. In the absence of a grandmother who speaks to the plants, in the absence of the image of a grandfather who is soaking at the right time… We have felt the need... [+]
In the orchard we have a crew of awesome friends. Lately we have talked about the grandmother mantangorri on the occasion of the asarre that cleanses the garage and the pajarillo. But it's not the only one, not even the only one. We have a lot of friends doing similar work.
The... [+]
The orchard is a unique school. There you can learn a lot. You don't have to admit a school without gardens. Exercise, food, biodiversity, cultural landscape, genetics, period, generational exchange, links between the earth and our health, aesthetics, gastronomy, ecosystem... [+]
Udazkeneroko dolarez dolareko ibileran, aurten geldialdi berri bat egitea egokitu zait. Ustekabean topatu dut dolarea. Txakolin dolarea. Lekeitiora gonbidatu naute, baratze batera. Gezurra badirudi ere, lurrekotik lotu naute Lekeitiora, ez itsasokotik.
Garai batean txakolina... [+]
In order for Jews and Jews to grow and to stand up with the lianas on the right, they are placed a blind spot on our side, on this side of Beterri. The stick, the rod, the fork, the arba... It has a lot of names. I found a “pordon” that I can’t find the word “parda” in... [+]
Horticulture is on the surface. Someone said, if you want to live happily, put yourself in an orchard and grab. The new horticulturists around me are happier, but more tired. I am, of course, at ease, this environment that is expanding everywhere is a stimulus. This return to... [+]