Florian Wilde approached a full room, where Inaki Irazabalbeitia introduced Miguel Strogoff. “Building resistance in the eye of the storm: The German left and the European crisis”, as it seemed to this journalist closer to the discourse of the people of Sortu than to that of Aralar.Many of Wilde’s
ideas are included in the interview that Samara Velte has made for the newspaper Berria “In order to deal with the populism of the right, the criticism towards Europe must be clearly explained.” In short, the
neoliberal strategy applied by Germany to its workers since the 1990s is now intended to inculcate to all other Europeans what is now known as “austerity”, and the
He began his intervention by throwing flowers to the workers of Euskal Herria, who are among the most fighting in Europe against the policies of dismantling the welfare society, and ended with a general political strike.Recognizing that in Germany these strikes
are forgotten from far back to 1920, Wilde stressed that in recent years the general strikes that have been taking place in different places in Europe over and over again have become particularly important, despite the fact that until now the need to overcome the borders that these maintain as yes mbolos.Los capitalists have also ignited the new class conflict, says Wilde, who have long offered to collaborate with the
Although there are still some unions and reform parties with the same message, and perhaps after the autumn elections they will try to form a single government with Merkel, more and more citizens and groups have realised that the capitalists and the state that they have captive must be taught their teeth.
ELA and LAB are organizing the next general strike.
Note the following quote: 31 May and 1 June are held for the second time in Frankfurt on Blockupy. For the first time last year, John Holloway wrote in The Guardian: “Blockupy Frankfort, an impacted expectation in times of austerity.” In the United States, they intend to achieve in
a European way the level of mobilization achieved by the Occupy movement, calling to mobilize together the groups affected by the cuts, especially in this case the damage caused by the impoverishment among women. The strike called by Blockupy could take place on 30 May.
Budgets and the closure of annual accounts are nothing more at this time, from the domestic economy to most of the socio-economic spaces that we share. Large companies have begun to extract calculators and implement major plans for 2025. Small and medium-sized institutions and... [+]
On 5 December last, pp presented in the Parliament of Navarra a proposal for a law to decouple the processes of functionalization of the Secretariat and Intervention positions of the local entities of Navarra. If this were to happen, about 30 people would achieve well-deserved... [+]