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All people with Kilometroak

  • Besides boosting the economy and promoting the use of the Basque Country, the Kilometroak 13, organized by the Ikastola Laskorain de Tolosa, aims to open it to all the people. Therefore, in collaboration with different agents of the locality, Now! prepared a week from 19 to 25 May. Txistularis, taverns, singers, skaters, youth, txaranga, lecturers, writers, dulzaineros, cine-club, artists, merchants… all came out in defense of the Kilometroak.
Ahora! leloa aurkeztu zuteneko ekitaldia.
Ahora! leloa aurkeztu zuteneko ekitaldia.

“It will be a cultural and holiday week, ahead of 13 days of Kilometroak,” said Irati Hartsuaga, representative of the KMK Entertainment Commission. A few months ago the organizers of KMK13 contacted the agents of the people and this will be the result of this relationship. “All kinds of relationships have arisen: some of us have approached each other and others, on the other hand, they have offered their specimens,” added Hartsuaga. Participants of all ages will have some offer within the week.
The week will begin to slip on Sunday, May 19. For children, young people and adults there will be several marches, races and exhibitions in collaboration with the skating groups, in the Triangle in the morning. Skate will be another sports that will be practiced this afternoon in Usabal, due to the growing implementation of sports on ruedas.El
Monday 20 and a talk will take place on Wednesday 22 at the House of Culture. The first is Kike Amonarriz with the title “Tolosa, euskararen irriburu” and the second, on the prevention of the consumption of alcohol and other drugs, a subject that is working with different agents throughout the year. On Tuesday 21, the Municipal Band of txistularis presents in the Topic, through a concert, the album that he has edited on his anniversary. On Thursday, 23, the film Palestine 5 broken camera will be screened at the Leidor Antzokia, in the cine-club, with the presentation and subtitles in Euskera.
Throughout the week, the works of Basque writers of Tolosa will be seen in the Children's Library and in Now! You can taste a pintxo in the local bars, especially on Saturday. Between Thursday and Thursday, from 23 to 25, there will be a sardines at night in Zerkausia, “a cheap formula to give connection to the week and create a nice atmosphere”. On the same, on Thursday, the works of the Roads Competition organized by the students will be presented and on Saturday the Ze Suma group will offer a concert.

The weekend concert and festival of Txapin

At the end of the week, Friday and Saturday, the most important events will meet in Now! at week: Concert of the txarangas and friends Bonberenea, who will mobilize mostly young people, and Txapin festa. On Friday, May 24, from the sardines of Zerkausi a charanga will emerge in Kalejira to the Sacraments, a building of the Ikastola Laskorain, where the new headquarters is located, the main economic objective of the KMK13. In the evening the concert of the txaranga Bonberenea and the friends will take place. “The collaboration with Bonberenea comes from afar and in the village they were very excited to do this special event, besides having the collaboration of known musicians,” explains the organization. Before the concert, the final works of the Video Contest organized by the Student Board will be viewed and the awards will be presented.

Saturday, the longest day

On Saturday, 25 May, it will come loaded with acts. In the morning, a game will be organized in search of Argitxo for children, from one store to another in the village. In the Triangle you will also have the opportunity to paint the mural by the hand of the art group Box A. At noon Tolosa Kantari will come out next to the group of Dulzaineros Giro art. And that's when the Txapin festival begins, an initiative that every year organizes the youth premises and that this year coincides with the KMK13 program. “This party doesn’t have a fixed day, but knowing that we were organizing the week, we were offered to enter it and accept it,” explains Irati Hartsuaga, “Every year we have wanted to take the young people out of the premises and put them in a relationship between them. This year we want to extend the offer to all ages and we hope that the number of participants will increase.” The party of Txapin will start with the descent of the raft, at noon food in Plaza Berria, then games, Now! the mosaic, the kalejira and to finish the day, the Ze group will offer a concert in the sardinera of Zerkausi.Tras the events of the year, with this week the program will be completed and the organizers of
Kilometroak 13 will be re-immersed in the preparations for the first Sunday of October.

Ion Altuna, Bonberenea Txarangako zuzendaria
«Euskal Herrian gutxitan egin izan dira horrelako kontzertuak»

Bonberenea aski ezaguna da musika munduan. 1997an Tolosako gazteek suhiltzaileen egoitza abandonatua okupatu zuten eta geroztik ehundaka kontzertu eta makina bat disko egin dira Bonbereneako aretoan, azken urteotan beste etxe batean. Laster hamar urte beteko ditu Bonbereneak sortutako txarangak. Ion Altuna du zuzendaria, saxoa jotzen lasaiago arituko litzatekeela onartu digun arren. Berarekin hitz egin dugu Ahora! astearen barruan eman behar duten kontzertuaz.

Nola sortu zen kontzertu honen ideia?

Kilometroak 13ko antolakuntzarekin harreman estua dugu beraien kanta egin zutenetik, gure etxean grabatu zutelako, oso gertukoak ditugun Glaukomakoek egin zutelako eta guk ere parte hartu genuelako. Elkarlan horretan zer egin genezakeen galdetu zigutenean kontzertu hau eskaini genien eta onartu egin zuten.

Nolakoa izango da kontzertua?

Inauterietan kaleratu genuen 10. urteurreneko DVDa. Betidanik kantari kolaboratzaile batzuekin aritu izan gara, adibidez azken diskoa Pirritx eta Porrotx pailazoekin egin genuen. Bi faktore horiek elkartuz zerbait handiagoa egitea pentsatu genuen, alde batetik gure piezak eta bestetik kolaboratzeaileekin egindako lanak eskainiz. Eszenatoki handi batean egingo dugu, aire librean, argi eta soinu egokiekin. Behingoz txaranga eta publikoa eserita egongo da. Bestelakoa izango da. Euskal Herrian gutxitan egin izan dira horrelako kontzertuak. Garai batean Tirritarrak egin zituen antzeko muntaiak.

Zein izango dira beste partaideak?

Aspalditik gurekin harremana dutenak: Su ta Garreko Aitor Gorosabel, Zea Mayseko Aiora Renteria, Glaukomako Juantxo eta Jokin, Dr. Deseoko Francis, Humuseko Natalia, Pirritx eta Porrotx… Eta aurkezle Txoan Ormazabal, gurekin ari dena azkenaldian. Goseko Inesek ere etorri nahi zuen, baina ezingo du kanpoan direlako egun horretan. Kantariak sartzeak konplikatu egiten du lana, baina entseatzen ari gara eta ahotsekin emanaldi intentsoagoa lortuko dugu. KMK13ren Ahora! kanta ere eskainiko dugu noski, harizko instrumentu eta kantariekin.

Zein izan da txarangaren bilakaera hamar urte hauetan?

Bonberenearen urteurren batean musika eskolako ikasle batzuk elkartu eta kalera atera ginen Eguberri batzuetan. Gustatu zitzaigun, giro ona genuen gure artean eta jarraitu genuen. Sanjoanetan berriz atera ginen, gero beste leku batzuetatik deitu digute. Deabruak Teilatuetan taldearen Bonberenea kantaren bertsioa egin genuen. Gero maketa atera genuen eta jada hiru disko eta DVDa ditugu. Espero ez genuena gertatu da: hamar urte betetzea. Pausoz pauso joan gara, urtetik urtera ikasten joan gara. Bonbereneak azpiegitura eta babesa eman digu entseatzeko eta grabatzeko.

Musikariak aldatu al dira urte hauetan?

Ez gehiegi. Hasi ginenek, gehiago edo gutxiago, jarraitzen dugu nolabait. Eta jende berria ere sartu da. Baina denok osatzen dugu txaranga. Musikalki asko hobetu dugu, baina esentzia mantenduz. Estilo berezia eta propioa dugu.

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