In addition to apples, apples are the most natural, richest and richest, with flowers from many plants, and we should try to catch apples and apples. Beauty shows the path to good food and a better life. We have enough work to maintain that wealth. For example, many of the baratxurites I mentioned the other day are in danger of extinction. If we were led by the palate, we would be very well served. And we would be more lucid ... Aren't words and foods the only things that come into
our bodies?Like chamomiles everywhere. Not long ago, when we were talking in the radio advice program about fertilization, one of those who asked about the use of barn slurry as a fertilizer wanted to know what I found to be the ones doing the program. As if the listeners were children and young people, the works measure the words, rather than answer every Saturday. Sometimes, however, it is too hard and the tongue is altered. And always with the subject of pains. I started talking about this issue in all peace of mind, because the slurries are very bad for our environment. Contamination and many barn products and fertilizer overdoses propagate directly and are unripened “fertilizers” and reduce the richness of plant species from the lands that spread... I will not forget immediately the things I had to hear from the growers of industrial farming, warm and warm. These kinds of farming and livestock activities impoverish the landscapes of our culture. The grasslands that withstand the rain of these slurries are experiencing an incessant disaster. The grasslands, majestic, have been dressed in colors; look at them. In addition to the green of the leaves, you will see as many colors as you want in the flowers that develop hundreds of plants and spread them in the head of the caravan. It compares to those that collect purines. Greener, less color, less flowers, less vegetation. And what? And their quality of life costs abajo.En the Origin of Species, Charles
Darwin says very well: flowers are one of the most beautiful things nature has ever given; they are impressive compared to green and beautiful leaves for insects to see easily. The flowers that the fruitful wind never has a spectacular corolla. Plants give open flowers to attract insects and some color, and other closed flowers that insects will never visit, and that have no color or nectar. So the beauty of flowers is owed to insects.
Apples with garden. On the other side, oak, nut, etc. Do you know the flower of the latter?
In our latitude the sweat of most plants moves in the spring, and in this time we will enjoy the great blooms. Flowers are the symbol of beauty: to see, to smell... And to try? Did you eat a flower? I'm sure it does.
Who has not eaten artichokes (Cynara cardunculus var... [+]
Lilipak edo nartzisoak loretan dira. Nabarmen adierazten dute mendean hartutako bere lurren berri. Neguan loratzen dira, kolore zuri-hori ikusgarritan, eta usaina bafadaka hedatzen dute. Multzoka bizi dira; lurpean erraboila emankorra dute, eta bat zen tokian, urtetik urtera... [+]
Udari begira jarri gaituen eguraldi honek landareak ederki mugitu ditu. Gu ere bai. Zaldibarren, Eitzaga auzoko zabortegiko madarikazioaren ardurak eskatzera, eta langileei, haien senideei eta auzotarrei babesa emateko manifestazioan Eibarko Amañatik abiatu ginen. Hasi... [+]
I remember as a kid how we called it the "little boy." The flower reminded us of the chicken's head. José María Lakoizketa was named “kurkubia” in Bertizarana in 1888, as its fruit resembles a kurkubi or bottle. He says in Cinco Villas they call him “cascabel.” In 1976... [+]
The danger of plant extinction may have many reasons. In the past, they were divided into three groups: diseases, pests and herbs or “bad” plants. Today, there is a tendency to call plague to all plant disasters. Previously, an accident caused by the proliferation of... [+]
In the pile of manure and waste there is usually a guest in summer, although not always: estrammonium or estrammonium, Datura stramonum. Some have also received the names of “carbonero” or “higuzoro” for this plant. It is a striking, upright plant, with a glowing... [+]
The year of Dalia, the pinnata Dahlia, was chosen this year by the organizers of the festival. Well said, it's the year of Dahlia. Dictionaries and encyclopedias in Euskera call this plant “dalia”; I think we should call it “dahlia”.
The Spanish invaders who met Dahlia... [+]
I have been a little quieter on the day when the night has become longer than the clear day and I am glad that we are six months like this. I cannot deny that summer has been beautiful, but it smells better to fall. Plants are made “tizas” with the arrival of autumn. The... [+]
Plants are known to smell, more and more. We had known for a long time that plant martingale was to protect itself from herbivorous animals: the plant that has been bitten releases the odor to warn neighboring plants, that they will knead the leaves and will not be of taste to... [+]
Lately, I asked Joxe Anton Arze, one of the most beautiful Basque landscape architects, about the names of the plants that had white flowers. It's already in its Mortecine light.
Grapefruit (Narcissus poeticus), Star perico (Stelaria holostea), White hawthorn (Crataegus... [+]
His relative is the Lo-Belar (Papaver somniferum), but compared to him is the Michoneta (Papaver Rhoeas). The poppy is well known; it is also known as “urdemutur” and “urdamutur”. When spring arrives, the earth will blur every year. It also revives the blush of my shame,... [+]