After listening to the sirens and a few seconds after seeing me tied up with some 300 friends, I was amazed at the nervousness, the anger, the fear and, above all, the strength that occurred in the few square meters. Then I could clearly see that my place was inside that wall and not in the lockdown that they were going to prepare for journalists in the newsroom. So I did this on Friday, about six o'clock in the evening, when we were told that 30 furgons were heading to Boulevard.
Thanks to this decision I was able to see firsthand the true face of the Ertzaintza action that most of the political class has described as extraordinary or exemplary. The present adrenaline chute has made me disappear from the memory of how they brought me out of the wall. The trace of the punch received in the neck, the traces of the scratches of the legs and arms and the sound of the small smile of the ertzaina that twisted my left arm are the only clues I have. However, in an hour and a half I sat tied up with another 900 people and watched the dark side of Ertzaintza's performance that has not been picked up by official media. The close punches, the stranded hair strands, the sexist and violent language used by the drug mafists who appear in the Yankees of the film in the mouth of the ertzainas (in English), above all the vejatory treatment of women, the reprehensible aggression suffered by a colleague of Argia… All these facts
are cases that can only be described, seen, felt, felt. If journalism is the interpretation and diffusion of reality, that night the truth was among hundreds of young people and adults. He spent a long hour crying in fear tied to my right arm, but he sat until he dragged him down the floor, in the face of Oiartzun's little girl. I found him a few meters from my left, in the fury of the mother of the wretched, fifty-year-old, who had received a punch in his stomach after dragging him between the four Ertzaines. I saw the enormous strength of the young woman, who didn't even weigh 40 kilos a meter away, and between the five Ertzaines, gowns and boots were used to get out of the wall and once laid on the ground, with the outsole of the boot of an Ertzain on the face and receiving the blows of the other four, the young woman continued to be tied to the leg of the Ertzaina side to avoid being expelled. Or the case of a friend of mine from Pamplona. Although the arm was pulled out of the area by the beating it received, the Ertzaintza continued to offer protection to young people in the immediate vicinity until marcharon.La quote from photographer and journalist
Robert Cappa made all sense on February 19.
Full blog post and video event reporting.
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