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The law and the fight against injustice

Noticias de Gipuzkoa

The arrest last week of six young people in Aske Gunea and the events in it have shown that in Euskal Herria the situation continues to change. The broad youthful movement of the Abertzale left has shown this change in a practical and up-to-date way.

Civil disobedience and peaceful resistance have been the strong messages they have launched with the Aske Gunea to the four winds. And on a social level, although they still have to make the way to reach broader social areas. The figure of Jarrai, Haika or Segi has been present in large sections of society, while Ernai has taken part in that heritage and that cannot be erased overnight.

In this sense, Aske Gunea has been defined as a turning point by the young people who have driven it and has also been perjury from the outside. Now we will have to see what its development is, but these attitudes, molds and strategies are novel – like 15M and these in many other areas of society – and have the strength to open up the minds and hearts of the citizens, provided that there is a fund and a foundation to imagine that behind there is a just cause or an injustice. And in the case of these young people, then.

Political activity has brought these eight young people to prison, which makes them, in addition to political prisoners, prisoners of conscience. The “everything is ETA” of the State makes the imprisonment of these young people – and of others caught in the same network – legal, but not fair, and the vast majority of Basque society has often shown its disagreement with that “everything is ETA”. The other thing is that, even if I do not agree, there can be solidarity with those convicted. But the origin and basis of the situation is absolutely unfair, and on that point justice and a new situation cannot be built.

That is why this situation puts the Ertzaintza and now the PNV that governs it in a hurry because they have to enforce decisions that are legal but unfair. How long can you justify that you're against something but that you have to comply with the laws? How long is law more important than consciousness? What help does it have to fulfill this “everything is ETA” in the ways of coexistence and peace? Where to look at these questions will have a lot of answers, but if about 200 people are waiting for that doctrine to be processed and imprisoned, there will be time to talk a lot about these issues. As many actions of the Ertzaintza will have to be done in detail.

Argia journalist Lander Arbelaitz knows something about these media. This medium was the one who warned of the facts in the Arbelaitz Free Space, when he was attacked by several ertzaines in the early 19th. The video looks great, it doesn't need too many explanations. Upon entering the Ertzaintza in Aske Gunea, the journalist is working with the phone in her hand, three Ertzainas are heading straight towards him and assaulting him by throwing the phone of a push to the ground, causing injuries to his neck and hand. In the video it is very clear how Arbelaitz is exhibiting the journalist's card, but the Ertzaines don't care and push them back to the ground to the Boulevard's kiosk. Along with other journalists, and against their will, they were there for an hour.

The right to information is protected by law, it is one of the pillars of a democratic country and these attitudes are unacceptable in the rule of law. It is incomprehensible that whoever has to protect the laws does not comply with the law itself, which in this case is evident from the Ertzaines. Our authorities are delighted to see what is happening in Aleppo, Libya or in the squares of Tarhirr in Syria, but apparently they do not like it as much as to see what is happening in our squares, otherwise these attacks on journalists would hardly ever be repeated. In this type of intervention by the Ertzaintza, the Department of the Interior – and with it the Basque society –, through the audio-visual of the violent and macho comments and attitudes of many Ertzainas (several women have denounced sexist insults), has a major problem within it. Really denounceable, these kinds of ertzaines can't take care of the citizens, they don't know, so they should take them away from their profession. The Ertzaintza, the Department of the Interior of the Basque Government, should give some explanation for these events that are happening.
Argia believes wholeheartedly in the right to information, has been doing so for decades and will continue to work on it, with the utmost firmness, enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

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