Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Google glasses to overcome hearing problems
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Google Glass is one of Google's technological projects. It will be used as a gafa and will serve not only to watch and broadcast videos, but also to listen to music.
What has been said has been known for a few months, but a novelty has been announced in the way of listening to music: it seems that the sound will not come from the air into the ear, but from bone transmission. In this way, many of those affected by hearing problems will have the opportunity to listen to music naturally.

2013ko apirilaren 28a
You are interested in the channel: Teknologia berriak

Sare sozialetan badira zenbait pertsona eragin gaitasun handikoak. Jarraitzaile ugari dute, eta euren iritziak egiatzat hartzen dira. Askok, ordea, egia barik, interes propioa edo klase baten interesak iraunkortzea bilatzen dute. Ameriketan komentokrata deitzen zaie. Alegia,... [+]

Hildakoen txatbotak

Iragana ulertzen saiatzen eta etorkizuna bideratzen, oraina joaten zaigu zenbaiti. Nire proiektuetako bat (hasi baina landu ez dudana oraindik) dudan zuhaitz genealogikoa egitea da. Horretan lagunduko didan liburutxo bat ere erosi nuen. Baina, hain da handia lana, liburutxoa... [+]

2025-03-05 | June Fernández
Meloi saltzailea

Ortutik itzuli berritan erabaki nuen Twitterretik alde egitea, oraindik Twitter zenean. Auzolan batera joan nintzen, brokoliak eta azaloreak landatzera, eta mindfulness efektua zapuztu zidan algoritmoak, idazle feminista transgorrotatzaile baten txioak jaurtitzearekin... [+]

Animaziozko Film Onenaren Oscarra software librearekin sortutako ‘Straume’ pelikulak irabazi du

Gints Zilbalodis zuzendari letoniarraren Straume filmak irabazi du 2025eko Animaziozko Film Onenaren Oscar Saria. Pixar eta Dreamworks estudio handiei aurrea hartu dien filma 3D irudigintzarako software libreko Blender tresna erabiliz sortu dute.

TikTok, X eta Instagrameko algoritmoek eskuin muturreko edukiak nabarmen hedatzen dituztela frogatu dute

Ikerketa bat egin dute Alemanian, hauteskundeen atarian: kontuak sortu dituzte TikToken, X-n eta Instagramen, eta aztertu egin dute algoritmoak zer nolako edukiak erakusten dituen. Guztietan, algoritmoak eskuinera eta eskuin muturrera jotzen du gehien, TikToken nabarmen.

2025-02-24 | Sustatu
Euskorpus proiektuak hautsak harrotu ditu

Euskorpora elkartearen eta Euskorpus proiektuaren abiatzeak hautsak harrotu ditu. Pello Otxandiano EH Bilduko Eusko Legebiltzarreko oposizio buruak Euskorpusena akatsa dela uste du, "ezjakintasuna edo estrategia klientelarra". EH Bilduk galdera sorta egin du... [+]

The use of video games has increased among adults, according to Ipsos
Julen Linazaroso, from Macsonrisas, explains that the reward balls, loot boxes and others aim to play more hours of video games. The use of video games among people between the ages of 35 and 64 has increased from 2023 to 2024, according to data provided by Ipsos.

2025-02-20 | Sustatu
Euscorpora and Euskorpus presented
On Wednesday there was a mass presentation of the Euscorpora association in San Sebastián, where the project called Euskorpus was announced. Euskorpus, the Basque language, will be a digital resource bank in which the Basque Government will invest 5 million.

The technology
The unified voice of the education system

There are many ways to gain power; not all are beautiful. There are those who want to divide the power and the responsibility that it entails with it, who seek authority. Others have a lot of respect for him and the fact that each step is so measured makes them unable to make a... [+]

Reflections on the use of screens

From the Association of Parents of the Instituto Arratia Small Tram we want to encourage reflection on the use of screens in the learning community.

Lately there is a lot of concern about the impact of screens on children and adolescents. This responsibility extends from... [+]

Zer erosi?

Azken boladan gero eta gehiago entzuten dugu gazte askok etxebizitza erosteko ahalmenik ez dugula. Batzuetan, badirudi ez dagoela beste gairik; egia da gai serioa dela. Niri neuri ere, 31 gertu izan arren, oraindik pixka bat falta zait neurea izango den etxebizitza lortzeko... [+]

The Art of Education group presents the manifesto: "They have implemented pedagogical fashions one after the other"
The recent creation of the Educational Art Teachers’ Confluence has required teachers to take into account the knowledge accumulated over years, guarantee autonomy in decision-making by the clausters, stop the plans that promote the “use of ICTs at all times”, and... [+]

"We are concerned about the technological determinism of the Minister of Education: yes or yes must be introduced in an uncritical way"
The use of technologies is being discussed in the Education Committee of the Basque Parliament, for which several experts and agents are making their contribution in the committee. We spoke with the team responsible for Cabecera Levada, who has requested a general regulation to... [+]

Bilakaera kontzientea

Zer jakin behar dut? Norekin erlazionatu behar dut? Non bizi behar dut? Ardura horiekin gabiltza gizakiok gure gizarteen baitan bizitza on baten ideia bizitzeko bidean. Ondo erantzuten ez badakigu, bazterretan geratuko garen beldurrez.

Joan den astean, kanpoan geratzearen... [+]

2025-02-11 | Sustatu
If the Met has hacked into Libgen, why not?
The Met (the owner of Facebook) has reportedly hacked Libgen’s network library using BitTorrent protocols. They got at least 81.7 terabytes in this way to power their artificial intelligence systems. In order to get the essay and science in the main international halves for... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude