“The most tweeted news of all time in Euskera and surely we will not see it in most media.” It is the message that Eibarrés Asier Sarasua sent through the social network Twitter on the morning of last Sunday about the attack that the Ertzaintza carried out on the journalist of Argia Lander Arbelaitz. Like this document, other news, videos and photographs about the civil movement that has been organized on Boulevard de Donostia-San Sebastián have had thousands of viewers in Internet.El last week’s hottest
theme has been that of social networks, but the main media, including the public, has not made room for it. Except for some media (Berria, Gara, Naiz, Info 7, Irutxuloko Hitza, Argia…), silence has taken over the eight young Donostiarras who wanted to enter prison accused of being Segi.
Silence? No. It's not the right word. More than 34,000 people have seen on Youtube the video of Argia that shows what happened in the last 20 minutes of the People's Wall of Boulevard (there will be many more for when you read this).The information
about Aske Gunea has come to everybody: Russian news agency Ruptly, Russia Today, has broadcast several videos recorded in Donostia-San Sebastián and which have been reproduced on the Internet. On Twitter, the news has reached many points in Europe: England, Catalan countries, Spain, France, Italy.
How have the young Donostiarras achieved that echo? Immediately after the start-up of Aske Gunea, there was concern about the informative follow-up that the topic might have. The Spanish media made it clear that they would be silent, and later they realized that EITB was not going to report either. And with the construction of the Popular Wall, a strategy was developed to pass over the information wall: to translate the manifesto that explains the situation of the eight young people detained in various languages; to ask the people gathered in the Boulevard and to start people capable of informing foreign media; to create Twitter accounts in Spanish, French and English (on 16 April they were closed, clearer signs that were being effective? ).It
is a communication strategy similar to the M15 or Occupy movements, based on positive messages, that has given voice to the citizens, which has had the proper Twitter label for what happened at each moment (#resist8 and #₡8 were the most used day tags in the Spanish state). In addition, the messages disseminated give importance to the personal situation of convicted young people, have strategically used the human tragedy of arrests, also attracting people outside Segi's militants.
From the point of view of communication, Aske Gunea has given many lessons. It will be a turning point in the history of the Basque media. Independent journalism can greatly help citizens. Now you have to guess how to move from one point phenomenon to another everyday.
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