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Gaixo larriak

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Doinua: Naufragoarena.

Lausotuz doan begirazuna,
lehortzen ari den behazuna,
azkar dabilen bihotza edo
motelduz doan garuna, (bis)
birika biren jarduna,
hezur arrakaladuna,
denon bidaia laguna…
Medikuaren paper bat baino
gehiago da osasuna,
falta den arte behar adina
estimatzen ez duguna. (bis)

Presoentzako goitik behera
onartezina den egoera,
lege soil bat da Espainia eta
Frantziaren arabera. (bis)
Osasuna ukatzera
helduta zer nahi dute ba?
Bi izen baina muin bera,
Parot Doktrina aplikatzea
azken finean hauxe da:
gaixo daudenak kondenatzea
heriotza zigorrera. (bis)

Euskal Herrian epeak epe,
latz joan direnez bi hilabete,
falta direnei agur ta ohore
kantatu nahi genieke. (bis)
Nahiz eta amorruz bete,
minak min, nekeak neke,
asko dugu egiteke!
Denok minutu batzuk emanez
jarraitzen badugu tente,
hamabost presok euren bizitzak
berreskura ditzakete. (bis) n

You are interested in the channel: Gaixo larriak
2021-12-20 | ARGIA
Antton Troitiñoren heriotza “azkena” izan dadila eskatu dute Sarek eta Etxeratek

Euskal preso politikoa ostiralean hil zen minbizi baten ondorioz, 30 urteko espetxealdiaren ostean kaleratu eta 10 hilabetera. Troitiñoren kasua euskal presoei aplikatzen zaien salbuespen politikaren adierazle dela salatu dute bi elkarteek. Mobilizazioak antolatu dituzte... [+]

Apirilaren 7an etxera heldu zen Esteban Esteban Nieto, Espainiako Justiziak ezarritako espetxe zigorra bete barik. Azkenean Tolosan; etxean aske. Minbiziak jota, ordea. Hamabi urte espetxean igaro ondoren, edozein presok duen ilusioa zuen Esteban Nietok; maite dituenen artean... [+]

2021-02-05 | ARGIA
Antton Troitiño, on probation
This morning, 5 February, he went to the streets on condition that he suffers from a "serious and incurable" illness. In total, he has been sentenced to more than 30 years in prison.

Prisoner Julen Atxurra suffers a stroke and is transferred to the jail ward
ETXERAT has reported that the 61-year-old Lekeitio prisoner suffered a stroke on 13 May. He is now in the ward of Port-I prison (Cadiz) and has been visited by his family during the weekend.

38 MEPs call for compliance with the law on prison policy
They call on the presidents of the Spanish State and the European Parliament to put an end to the policy of dispersion and to release seriously ill prisoners.

Sare calls on the citizens to attend the demonstrations to be held in Bilbao and Baiona "with hope"
Members of the network have shown their "hope" that the situation of prisoners will change: At least it should be. Now is the time, because if not now, when?

ETXERAT denounces that 19 prisoners are seriously ill
Two names have emerged from the 2019 list: Aitzol Gogorza, in attenuated prison, and José Ángel Otxoa de Eribe, recently deceased. The ETXERAT association has warned that there are thirteen more serious and incurable prisoners than ten years ago and has recalled that inmates... [+]

2019-12-13 | Hainbat egile*
Jon Gurutz Maiza Etxera!
Being caught in a painful conflict has been the reward for being born in the Basque Country. It could be as if it didn't see anything and as if nothing happened. It can be lawful.

2019-12-10 | Z. Oleaga
They call for the freedom of sick prisoners over prohibitions and attempts at criminalization in Vitoria-Gasteiz
Abetxuko's essay José Ramón López de Abetxuko and lawyer Txeman killings have offered a talk about the situation of sick prisoners on the university campus of Vitoria-Gasteiz. The room is overflowing. In the past, the right-wing unionist association Esteban de Garibay has... [+]

2019-12-10 | ARGIA
López de Abetxuko will offer a talk, rejecting Covite’s request to ban it by the UPV/EHU
The talk will take place at the UPV campus in Vitoria-Gasteiz on Tuesday. The association Esteban Garibai has called a concentration of repulsion by López's speech, a quarter of an hour before its beginning. Sortu has denounced that the persecution of the rapporteur is intended... [+]

2019-11-13 | ARGIA
The Paris Court of Criminal Applications calls for the suspension of the sentence of prisoner Ibon Fernández Iradi
The Court of Criminal Applications in Paris has admitted to the proceedings the request for suspension made by the Basque prisoner Ibon Fernández Iradi, but the final decision on his freedom has been postponed for up to two months by an appeal from the Prosecutor’s Office... [+]

2019-09-11 | ARGIA
The report on the state of emergency that violates the rights of Basque prisoners, to the UN
The Sare Citizen Network and the Ikasmirak association of the UPV/EHU have submitted a report on violations of the rights of Basque prisoners to the penitentiary policy of the Spanish State. The report will now be forwarded to the UN Human Rights Committee, which has approved the... [+]

2019-07-10 | ARGIA
They have already received 6,700 signatures requesting the release of Xistor Haranburu, who has been in prison for 30 years.
The Artisans of Peace campaign was launched on Saturday. On 5 July, the Court of Application of Penalties in Paris accepted parole, but the Prosecutor ' s Office appealed the sentence and remains in pre-trial detention.

2019-07-08 | Hala Bedi
José Ángel Ochoa de Eribe is on probation
The neighbour of Urkabustaiz is suffering from a serious illness affecting several neighbours.

Eguneraketa berriak daude