Will there be a computer war or a cyberwar that repeats? In early March the French weekly Courrier International declared La cyberguerre est déclarée. “Conflicts between States are increasingly being played in a virtual battlefield”, Courrier introduced with these words an interesting collection of articles within the formula he has long converted into a model: he collects weekly interviews and selected chronicles that have been published by the world’s leading media on issues that are currently at risk worldwide.
We do not need to explain to our readers why cyberwar is important. The development of informatics has digitized all the chapters of life, it's going to become numeric in Xilaba. The Internet has become a guarantee of economic and social development... and, at the same time, a risk of deterioration.
Cool War compared the cold war with the cool war that David Rothkopf has published in the American Foreign Policy: “This new cool of war is more temperate than cold, that is, based on a continuous attack; they are not exactly war actions, but they seek to weaken the enemy and gain advantage over it, breaking its sovereignty and overcoming its defensive lines.”
On February 19, the New York Times offered one of the latest examples of this type of war, denouncing that the 61398 unit of the Chinese Army in Shanghai is the one that systematically attacks the computer systems of the major states and companies of Oeste.Para
David Rothkopf, everyone knows that the Chinese, like the Russian and Iranian military, continue in that activity, but "no one believes that for (...) The Chinese violate our intellectual property, collect information about the economy of the EE.UU, stumble upon our fundamental companies and infrastructures, the security of the EE.UU. (...) but we give them a warm answer, because we are also doing the same thing all over the world.”
Rothkopf mentioned the Stuxnet virus, created by the Yankees and their allies, to infect their computers with Iran’s nuclear program. With this kind of warm attack, they want to achieve the goal that would otherwise require a warm attack, a bombing: Let Iran not take the atomic bomb.
“But,” says Rothkopf, they can do the same as we can to enemies. When you throw a bomb somewhere, not only do you destroy the target, but even the bomb goes apart. Instead, when you open the computer worm, its components remain intact and if it recovers it will be able to reuse its enemies for its benefit.” That is apparently what has happened to them with RQ-170. At least the Iranians have sold this. In other words, the Yankees and the Israelis have acquired control of the system used by the RQ-170 aircraft on the basis of knowledge of the computer viruses used against them, until they take the aircraft and land in full in Iran.
When we talk about cyberwarfare, the reader may think that we are talking about the contamination of the computers we know the most. That is, viruses, computer worms, external control of a computer system, server lock, etc. It is in this area that most of the attacks are made known in the media. In France, for example, it was mentioned that last January, a day after the French decided to intervene militarily in Mali, two areas of the Ministry of Defence were blocked. Previously, in March 2011, someone had taken over the external control of 150 computers from the Ministry of Economy and Finance. In these cases, suspects are quickly cited: China, Russia, Iran, or even the United States itself…
But cyberwarfare is also played in areas far beyond computer programs. The security of satellites and other sophisticated infrastructures that digital communications need, and war-robots built again by technology are just parts of the same war.
At No Permission, Alfred W just offered clues to understand a little the measure at all. McCoyk Space War and the Future of U.S. Global Power.
Macoy, a professor of history at the University of Wisconsin, after a century of explaining the path of the United States Army in the field of technology, has striven to sewing the footprints of his military’s plans by 2020, to complete the puzzle used by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
According to Macoy, the United States collects the shields that are being organized for both defense and attack in the surrounding space of the earth, the new weapons and electronic devices that it has developed in recent decades, such as drones without pilot, communication satellites, etc. The shield is divided into three layers.
The closest layer to the Earth’s crust consists of the drones operating on the lowest flight, which are currently used for both spying and attack, as well as the new generation Global Hawk that is being built. They will be equipped with missiles and bombs, ready to fire anywhere in Europe, Asia or Africa, where fire fighters will be installed. The famous RQ-170 was a component of this layer, which until the Iranians stole it and showed it was also a secret for American citizens.
The Vultures giants, which will move with solar energy, will also be in the same 12-mile layer – 19 kilometers – with a wing of 121 meters wide.
For the upper layer, the new Falcon Hypersonic aircraft is developing at a height of up to 200 kilometers, ready to fly at a speed of 22 times that of sound (21,000 kilometers per hour! ), despite the fact that being tested for the first time, they have been beaten.
In the third layer of this gigantic network, in an orbit of 200 kilometers or more, they already have tested the special drone X37B, which is run without pilots despite being 29 meters in length. These new groups will monitor the satellites of friends and, where appropriate, those of attack enemies.
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