“If Yolanda Barcina loses today, they will be votes and bad may come to the government; if that happened, I would go to live in Jaca not to pay taxes in Navarra.” Ollarrea is already here in the Diario de Navarra (where not?) Written. This was enough to bend the vote of those Members who doubted in favour of Barcina. After all, Barcina, in the previous days, had said the same thing; that is, if he were defeated, the government would be in danger. The members of UPN, who live thanks to the government, did not hesitate, and everyone who is not and everyone went to vote for Barcina. Someone was in the hospital and they sent a taxi to get him, and he showed up at the congress, with a nostril, to vote for Barcina.
President Yolanda Barcina, for her part, took 51% of the votes, compared with 89% she got four years ago. After the results, they both released their messages in favor of the unit. From the stage, Barcina called Alberto Catalana to rise to the stage, but Corellar refused outright. With the break-up of UPN in two, the problem is whether or not the central government will maintain it. The PSN, of course, wanted Catalan to win to reach an agreement with him and, in the government, to replace Barcina with Catalan himself. In statements to journalists, the Socialists have said that they have no confidence in Barcina and that it should resign, but they will not support a motion of censure, even if the other opposition parties have presented an I-E candidate as a candidate. This latter possibility has been discussed in meetings between opposition parties so that, once in the Government, elections can be convened. But the SNP is not in the interests of the vote, nor is it in the interests of UPN, of course. Roberto Jiménez got barely 60% at the Navarros Socialist Congress a year ago, just before the Caja Navarra diets scandal was made public. If the elections were done now, the PSN would get the worst results of its history, and UPN or the right-wing, too. Moreover, Bildu, Geroa Bai and I-E can get the absolute majority in Navarre, and that choice has never been in Navarre; therefore, if it comes only from the long rope or the dark and ugly question of the can, the PSN will clash with the current regime, as it has always done, and back and back the elections. Rubalcaba, for example, made that very clear the other day in Pamplona, when she came to embrace her with Barcina; and with all the blessings of the SER radio, which has been licensed in Pamplona from the Barcina Government.
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