But what was the conclusion, when 50 years after the creation of ETA and 33 years after the PNV inaugurated the autonomous region? That people are still entangled about independence.
I would therefore say that we are in a position to make three statements:
1- That both armed and autonomic/institutional behaviors do not serve to achieve independence, are, therefore, ways to abandon and overcome.
2- That it is on our politicians, first of all, the responsibility and the guilt that today we are so far from independence, and secondly on the people, because it has blindly followed the politicians leaving under their control the immense power of social energies.
3- That our politicians are sectarian, gregarious and precarious, and that functioning under these characteristics cannot solve a national problem, it is a process that requires minimal ideological intelligence, strategic unity and capacity of a global view.
I have nothing against them, but the mistakes have to be pronounced in order for them to be resolved; not pointing out the errors serves no other than to leave them on the path of eternity.
This is not a high policy, but a low, small, closed, localist, fragmented, dominated and colonized policy. To change it, the political caste needs a conceptual slap.
It must also be said that the right to decide will not lead to independence. If you have to agree to the referendum with the political enemy (and with the representatives they have on our land) who has broken and denied our sovereignty for centuries, it is clear that they will veto it or only give it to us when they can win.
Participating in a political system that denies you independence means that you give up independence from the starting point.
When a people is strong, it proclaims, establishes and defends independence; then it will organise the referendum to approve the new Constitution.
If a people is not strong, it does not serve to make politics and it has to devote itself to resistance.
The elements needed in the independence strategy are as follows:
– To know the history and its consequences, conquest, occupation, imperialism, violence, colonization.
– Creating a critical mass that broadens the desire for independence.
– Tools: infrastructure, financing, ideology, technology, communication, power to force.
– Constitution of the political subject.
– Legislative Branch (National Assembly).
– The executive (Probitional Government).
– Declaration of independence.
We have to be very clear (and say) that we are in a situation of occupation and overcome the conditions that this entails.
Clear messages have to be sent to the public, basically three:
1- Independence is good.
2- Independence can be achieved.
3- Independence is, in addition to the highest organization of a people, the best heritage we can leave to the descendientes.Euskal Herria urgently needs a Laboratory of Political Ideas
to develop all this.
(*) Pako Aristi is a writer.
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