Hence the right to be a state if the citizens so wish. I would now like to go into the essence of the Basque State of the future.
If we really want to take a new time, the first step on the road to the Basque State is to accept that there is nothing that is past or that is above human dignity, neither political ideas or projects, nor defence of them, nor denouncing injustices, nor reason for state. For a long time, a machine has believed and internalized that the reduction of human rights by shooting and bombing by the independent and socialist Basque Country is justified. There is no doubt that you will have to change your thinking and your sense to the stem. Both personally and collectively.
We see another essential milestone: the democratic milestone. In other words, the defence of political ideas or projects, defended only by peaceful and democratic means and supported by the majority of society, cannot be prevented or banned. This principle leads us to the right to decide. Euskadi, as a people, has the right to decide on its future and a new agreement is needed to do so. The last word is held by the citizens. And then, do the juridical-political adaptations, if the yes prevails.
Our destiny is not any state. We do not want a socialist/communist model that has historically failed. Nor does a unilateral class of state which begins by calling for the accumulation of forces and ends in the accumulation of powers. It is alien to the political, social and economic culture of the Basque Country and to the Europe of the twenty-first century. The worst thing is that it can be the door to another violence. We have only to remember the defeat of the Soviet Union and East Germany; we have only to see what happens in some of its heads: to denounce the situations of injustice and, once it comes to power, to sow injustice, turning the government by vote into a strangled system.
Fortunately, we are in the European Union. The paths are different in Northern and Central Social Democracy, in Norway, in Denmark, in Germany... Social justice and solidarity are perfectly matched by business progress and economic strengthening; the public and the private, the entrepreneurs and the unions, know how to agree to respond to public needs; they are dialogue, responsibility and respect for the laws; the mandates of the majority are executive, they are strong democracies. The PNV looks at this type of state.
In our roadmap, we update historic rights and propose a new political status: The seven territories of the Basque Country grouped confederally in a political structure of a national character, guaranteeing the unity of the nation and the uniqueness of the countries and ensuring analogous relations with the States. Plurality is an area of conflict and must be taken seriously, in order to live in peace and freedom, with word and mutual respect.
It's not time to fight each other. The motor is fusion to activate and strengthen popular movement. In this way we will attract people towards a new legal, economic, institutional and political framework, towards the Basque State. And in the meantime, we'll call the voice that our predecessors left: Gora Euskadi Askatuta!
(*) Joseba Egibar is president and parliamentarian of the GBB of the PNV.
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