Newgate, England, 1780. William Addis invented a modern toothbrush. But long before, probably in Prehistory, the man had begun to flush his teeth; it wouldn't have been nice to have traces of mammoth flesh between his teeth.
5,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians used a sophisticated toothpaste, mixing roasted and chopped ox must, myrrh, egg shell and foam stone to get a detergent. We don't know how much they used for each ingredient, but they did rub their teeth with their fingers or with a stick.
The Romans improved the product. As an abrasive substance, that is, as a matter to help eradicate food vestiges, the shells replaced Egyptian ox apaches. In addition, wine and aromatic herbs were added to the mixture to refresh the mouth and fight against bad breath. Therefore, once the hygienic objective of the toothpaste was met, the Romans decided to go further and add aesthetic properties to the mass.
In the Fullonicas (laundries) the Romans used to use urine, as the ammonia of urine helps to wash clothes. So they thought it would help keep teeth white as much as possible, and they added a urine to the toothpaste. Gaius Valerius Katulo (c. 87-54) if attention was paid to the poet, the habit of flushing teeth with urine had spread in the Iberian Peninsula: “(...) In the country of Celtiberia every morning they have the habit of using the urine each pulls to clean the teeth and red gums, which simply means that the cleaner the teeth the more urine you have inside.”
But this toothpaste face, with blazing and bleaching effects, was reserved exclusively for the richest nobles, and the vulgo had to resort to cheaper formulas, like mouse brain powder.
It is clear that in ancient times the one who wanted to have teeth clean had to put aside the scruples. But when the Modern Age was about to end, it was the scruples that led him to invent the toothbrush.
In 1870 the William Addis fabric merchant was arrested in Spitalfields (London) for street disruptions and imprisoned in Newgat prison. At that time, a piece of cloth or cloth was put into salt or other substances and the teeth were rubbed with them. As he was reluctant to put the dirty rags of the prison in his mouth, Addis sought a more hygienic substitute. He saved a bone from dinner, made holes in it, and with a guard, he provided himself with crines and tied them to the holes. That same year he left prison and founded the company dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of modern toothbrushes, Addis, which is still active.
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