After studying tourism, he stayed with some good jobs for several years, such as the Guggenheim or the ferry that makes the Bilbao-Portsmouth route. More than ten years ago he met the current partner when he sailed by boat. In recent years, however, Rubén has been working in increasingly precarious jobs. The last, as I said at today's meeting, has been the superminijob: two hours of hiring to download a truck.
You haven't seen your teenage friend for a long time. Without having seen him since then, he would not be right. Thanks to Rubén you have learned that a food testing company pays three euros for participating in the tasting tests and that in order to win the three euros in total it is necessary to walk to the tasting.
But the unexpected situation has come soon after, when it has erupted in sudden sobs: you've seen yourself, a well-known about 1.80 meters high, holding yourself in your arms, awkwardly protecting yourself. At that point, he's realized that he's left over as the appearance suggested. He asked for forgiveness, very embarrassed. “Well, at least it’s gone well, right?”
Buñueleko (Nafarroa) kasuan, 34 urteko gizona makina batean harrapatuta geratu da. Arratzun (Bizkaia), aldiz, garabiak goi-tentsioko linea bat ukitu ostean hil da 61 urteko gizona.
Institutuko giza baliabideak hobetzeko eskatu dute irakasleek, ikasleei kalitatezko arreta eman ahal izateko. Kartelekin eta pankartekin itxaron diete irakasleek lehendakariari. Jaurlaritzako ordezkariek ikastetxeko zuzendaritzari esan diote ez zutela "horrelakorik... [+]
Datorren astelehenean egingo dute espedientearen kontsulta epeko bigarren bilera.
Betsaide enpresan gertatu da, 08:00ak aldera. Urtea hasi denetik gutxienez bederatzi behargin hil dira.
2024ko laneko ezbeharren txostena aurkeztu dute LAB • ESK • STEILAS • EHNE-etxalde eta HIRU sindikatuek aurtengo otsailean. Emaitza larriak bildu dituzte: geroz eta behargin gehiago hiltzen dira haien lanpostuetan.
Jakina da lan ikuskariak falta ditugula geurean. Hala ere, azken egunotan datu argigarriak ematea lortu dute: lan ikuskaritzaren arabera, EAEko enpresen %64ak ez du ordutegien kontrolean legedia betetzen. Era berean, lehendakariordeak gaitzetsi du, absentismoaren eta oinarrizko... [+]