Researchers at the Pasteur Institute in France and CNRS have published an article in the journal Nature Immunology on insect defences against infections caused by viruses.
It is known that many viruses travel through insects, but there are few transporting insects that die from these viruses. Why?
According to researchers, by infecting the insect by the virus, its cells produce special DNA sequences, not to go against the virus, but to slow down its reproduction, so that insects and viruses can survive in symbiosis for a long time. Somehow, viruses realize that the body of insects is not the one to be infected and accept the symbiosis proposed by the insect cells.
Knowing this mechanism well, it would be very possible to achieve beneficial uses in the field of human infections.
Ionan Marigomez Allende (Erandio, 1961) biologoa da lanbidez eta bokazioz. Bera izan zen EHUren Plentziako Itsas Estazioaren sustatzaile nagusia, eta bera da bertako zuzendaria 2013an sortu zenetik. Bulegoan hartu gaitu, atzealdean Gorlizko badia ageri dela, eta hantxe jardun... [+]
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