It is worth a place, because I fear that the issue of equality will disappear from the media agenda after 8 March: Do you know the Bechdel Test? I found out about it thanks to a diagonal article. This is a simple three-point questionnaire used to measure gender deviations in fiction works.
1) Do at least two women appear in history? (With some significant role).
2) Do women speak together?
3) In the conversation, do you mean something that is not a man?
The answer to three questions to pass the test must be “yes”. It should be easy, but most of those who could win the best movie award in the last Oscar didn't.
The creator of the test, the comedian Alison Bechdel (portrait of himself in the image), explained the origin of the questionnaire as follows: “It was strange to think that all those great women who have appeared in fiction, even Jane Austen, were seen by the other sex; not only that, but they saw them in the relationship with the other sex. And that's a very small part of a woman's life."
The test has shortcomings: the works that pass the brow do not have to be non-sexist, for this a more complex analysis is needed. And you might ask if, as in Zero dark thirty, two women talk about bin Laden when they talk about what they're talking about, about men or about politics.
In any case, it is a useful tool to easily analyze the cultural products that build our collective imaginary from a gender perspective. There are websites that apply in film, comics and video games. Will anyone be encouraged by the Basque literature? n
Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluak eta Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileak elkarretaratzea egin dute langileen egonkortzearen eta euskalduntzearen alde.
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