The Euskalerria Irratia team does not agree with the distribution of licenses made at the beginning of the year; once again the radio of the Comarca of Pamplona has been left out ahead of Cope and SER. They have calmly read the details of the radio ratings and in evaluating the programming, they have seen that there have been great differences between the radios. In the programming section, it has taken 9 points out of 10, while Cope has taken 9.5. On the contrary, Euskalerria Irratia has only 2 points. This difference is right. The jury has taken into account the disconnections that Cope and SER make with the main broadcasters in Madrid, while in the case of Euskalerria Irratia part of the programming has been excluded from the evaluation: the jury has not taken into account the disconnections made by the radio of the Comarca of Pamplona with Euskadi Irratia.
In the meantime, the members of the radio will continue with the affiliate campaign that they are running with your Permit and on 6 March they will take a photo to the Deputation together with the citizens who support the radio.
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