In the news, gathered by Maite Asensio Lozano, the MEP general stressed that “the infrastructure will use the most ‘modern’ technology. Thus, he added that it is a ‘enviable’ installation, looking at the neighbors and neighbors of Gipuzkoa: ‘Others would like to reach the level we have reached in this field. Not far from here, they still don’t know what to do with the garbage they collect.”
Is waste management in Bizkaia so “enviable”? You have to read the small print underneath the titles and the eye-catching photographs to get to know it better. That is, what comes the new TMB. Because a TMB is also planned for Gipuzkoa. The new TMB of Arraiz, built by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, is linked to the needs of the Zabalgarbi incinerator. In Berria and Deia, the figures are not given in the same way, but in the chronicles of both, it is also clear that this TMB will recycle as little as possible of the waste that has been taken there and prepare for incineration.
Anyone who has read something about waste knows that if well-separated waste is not collected from households, the Ecopark formula is the way to give better food to incineration plants, that is what it is in Catalonia and that is what it will be like in Baiona in Bilbao. Basically, more than 40% of household waste is organic (txarri-jana) that is dried. Wet organic eliminates calorific power from trash: paper burns well, plastics give a lot of heat, rags and fabrics too, but organic is wet. Let's treat organic waste to dry, flush out as much gas as possible, and we've increased the calorific power of the trash.
But look good at the money. This formula has a few winners and peteros that form a large majority. Who has paid the new TMB? The Biscayan people have paid the EUR 43 million they have spent there with their taxes. What for? So that the private company Zabalgarbi gets the waste that needs to burn better prepared to burn it. Therefore, the citizens of Bizkaia in the street container (not in those posts as ugly as those of Hernani, for God!) has paid over and over its unmistakable litter: by collecting it pays a large multinational to build the TMB of treatment for drought, paid the construction of the infrastructure managed by the private company Zabalgarbi, pays the calcination of the garbage in Zabalgarbi, always pays 1/3 of each tonne burned by Zabalgarbi and leaves out of some place the ashes of the pollution...
The Bizkaia waste formula, however, has an even more serious problem when compared to neighbouring territories. Despite what they do worse, Gipuzkoa and Navarra still have the ability to decide. Bizkaia has been chained for many years to investments in Zabalgarbi. Because of this management model that has a cardiac incineration plant, is it a problem to recycle more for the Vizcaínos?
Azaroaren 28an Europako Parlamentuko ITRE Industria, Ikerketa eta Energiaren batzordeak bozkatuko du zabor nahasi/errefusentzako diru-laguntzak Europar Batasunaren Zuzentarau berritik kanpo uztea. Honek bete-betean harrapatuko luke Bizkaiko Zabalgarbi erraustegia. ZWE Zero Waste... [+]
Hondakinak kudeatzeko errausketarik gabeko sistema berri baten aldeko aldarria egin du maiatzaren 17an –Birziklapenaren Nazioarteko Egunean– Bilbon aurkeztu den Bizkaiko Zero Zabor plataformak. Aldundiak astelehenean zabaldutako datuek azken urteetako kudeaketaren... [+]
Zabalgarbi inguruan artsenikoa hirukoiztu egin dela azaldu du Berrian Iñaki Petxarroman kazetariak. Aste bete geroago Fernando Palacios ikerlariak dio erraustegiaren inguruko landarerik eta horiekin bazkatutako animaliarik ez litzatekeela jan behar.
Errauskailuak ez ditu egin dioxina eta furanoen kontzentrazioa neurtzeko azterketak. Laginak ere modu irregularrean hartu ditu, txosten baten arabera.
Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiak hondakinen kudeaketari buruz zabaltzen dituen datuetan “manipulazio larriak daude”, esan du gaur Gorka Bueno EHUko irakasleak, Ekologistak Martxan taldearen izenean Bizkaiko Batzar Nagusietako Eskaeretarako eta Herritarren Hartu-emanerako... [+]
2013tik geldirik zegoen Jata zabortegia –Lemoiz eta Jatabe udalerrien eremuan, Uribe Kostan– berriro ireki du Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiak, Zabalgarbiko TMBtik ateratako hondakinak bertan pilatzeko.
2014an Bilboko Zabalgarbi errauskailuak kiskali zituen 100 kilo hondakinetatik 31 hondar organikoz osatua zen, enpresak berak Eusko Jaurlaritzari emandako datuen arabera.
Bizkaiko errauskailuak 2014an bosgarren postuan amaitu zuen Euskal Herriko enpresa isurtzaileenen artean.