He was killed in 1984 by businessman Luis Morcillo, one of the members of the HB Santi Brouard table. This is recognized in some recordings presented by José Amedo. According to the newspaper El Correo Español, the Bilbao Court has issued a complaint recently filed by the Bilbao Municipal Police.
As reported by the Vocento group on the paper, former police and GAL member José Amedo filed three seizures with the judge. They are from 2011, and in the first of them Morcillo explains live that it was he who shot Brouard. When the businessman was asked about the murder, he replied that he shot four shots in his chest. He also blamed the then Director-General of State Security, Julián Sancristóbal, for having participated in the attack. He stressed that this was an attack organized by him from the outset, and said: “I can say that I killed Brouard and Sancristobal promised me.”
Luis Morcillo has never publicly acknowledged that it was he who committed the murder. In 1990, the judge considered that he and Rafael López Ocaña had been sentenced to 33 years in prison for attempted homicide. However, 12 of them were put in prison and released. Amedo himself, now a whistle-blower, was acquitted for lack of evidence.
López Ocaña pointed to himself and Morcillo in the statements he made in 2005 to the Spanish chain Telecinco and assured that it was Sancristóbal who paid for it. Therefore, these new recordings that are analyzing the court, supposedly, are consistent with their testimony.
Amedo does not seek justice and is only looking for its own benefit, as Edurne Brouard explained to Berria and EiTB in statements broadcast on public television. The family has been hurt because in 28 years there have been many occasions to clarify the case, and it does not understand that it has now come with those statements. Edurne Brouard stressed that they have known Amedo for a long time and that, according to them, he has always acted in accordance with his interests. As to the reasons why the recordings are now published, several “hypotheses” are considered. The daughter of the militant of the Left Abertzale believes that it is possible that they seek economic benefits or that favor the interests of pp to divert the focus of the media from them.
Although the family has no doubts about what Amedo has said, they do not want to give it credibility. They are not the ones who “give him life” and do not intend to “dance at his pace”. Morcillo, Amedo and Mas, among others, claim that they knew they had a direct participation in the death of Brouard, but that they will not move to not fall into the game. In case the judges decide to launch the case, they have already advanced that they will be charged, because they want to bring "everything to the end".
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