Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Viva Chavez Carajo!

Melody: Habanera

Hugo Chávez is the last name
of a human being.
It was born to
resurrect Simon Bolivar's desire.
The motto of freedom is
upheld at the root.
Is it not such an
emotional contribution?
Hope of the poor commanders
of the revolution.
The ultimate reference of
a human society.
An original, honest
and transparent leader.
The most fruitful
expectation of the Bolivarian model.

“We are all Chavez” is the
message of the people llano.El
the weight of that
love is full of passion.
I pray for believers, atheists or
indigenous people.
Commitment of each of them
according to their situation.
Out of the window of
the West, it may be complex.
But the star of
ALBA illuminates the process.
It is difficult to extinguish
the fire that has ignited.
It is so difficult to
be as loving

as Chávez.Hay concrete goals
in Chavez’s commitment.
The missions walk in the
transition to revolution.
Spreading solidarity at
home and in the neighborhood.
He's squandered forces by
the bolivars.
As a response point
in defense and attack.
Red star symbol on the
entire map of ALBA.La
earth is red in the
field of Chavism.
that he didn't do it at sea.

You are interested in the channel: Hugo Chavez
Chavez, present!

Ten years have passed since 5 March 2013 and we cannot forget this gigantic commander of the peoples.

I don't really like the military. Especially in capitalist and career states. However, there are those who carry within the wishes of the people and have committed themselves to... [+]

2021-07-27 | Lore Agirrezabal
Caracasen, txabola etxeorratzen anabasean
Caracasen pobrezia, biolentzia, segurtasun falta, droga trafikoa, arma trafikoa eta tiroketak eguneroko ogia diren auzoan borondate handiko emakume euskaldun bat bizi da; Bidegoiango (Gipuzkoa) Miren Egiguren.
Emakume honek txiki-txikitatik jendeari laguntzeko izan duen gogoak... [+]

Hego Amerika: munduko ezkerraren erreferentzia (Bero-beroan)
Michelle Bachelet izango da Txileko lehen lehendakaria eta Hego Amerikan gobernu buru izateko hautatzen den laugarrena. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Liberiako lehendakari hautatu berria, izango da Afrikako estatu batean lehendakari izango den lehen emakumea. Bakoitza berean ezohiko... [+]

Hugo Chavez hiltzea CIAren helburu? (Bero-beroan)
Tituluan aipatzen dena ez da albistea oraindik, baina CIAren helburuetakoa lasai asko izan daiteke. EEBBetan bederen oso zabaldua dago asmoa eta etengabe elikatzen da. Pat Roberson telepredikatzaile ospetsuak zuzenean aipatu du Hugo Chavez Venezuelako lehendakaria hil beharko... [+]

How bad things are in Venezuela" Let me explain briefly (6/8)
In spite of everything, the people of Chavez leave
In Chavez’s life, his attachment to the figure was impressive in a very large sector of the Venezuelan people. It was a hegemonic chavism, both from a sociopolitical and emotional point of view. Among the more modest sectors of Venezuela, and also among many other economically... [+]

The protests and disturbances do not cease in the mediatized conflict in Venezuela
Chavism and opposition have taken to the streets of Venezuela to protest and there have been three deaths and dozens of wounded and detained in the country. The opposition has called for the departure of President Nicolas Maduro, while the supporters of the government have... [+]

Maduroren garaipena eta Venezuelako ezkerraren etxeko lanak

Venezuelako udal hauteskundeetan Nicolas Maduroren PSUV alderdiak jaso du boto gehien, bozken %49,2. Henrique Ceprilesen MUD koalizioa ez da urruti ibili emaitzetan 700.000 boto gutxiago (%42,7) baina Venezuelako hiri garrantzitsuenetako alkatetzak eskuratu baititu.

2013-04-15 | Lide Hernando
Maduro garaile Venezuelan; oposizioak botoak berriz zenbatzeko eskatu du

Nicolás Maduro atera da garaile igandean Venezuelan egindako hauteskundeetan. Oso boto gutxigatik irabazi dio Henrique Capriles oposizioko hautagaiari: %50,6ak eman dio aldeko botoa, Caprilesen %49,1aren ondoan. Caprilesek esan du emaitzak ez dituela onartuko boto... [+]

2013-03-13 | Olga Rodrí­guez
President Chávez. President?
The mere “President Chavez” generates answers on the social networks of the Internet: President? You'll want to say dictator," says an internaut. Or: “Hitler was also elected at the polls.

2013-03-13 | Martin Vicioso
Chavezen heriotza ikertuko dute, minbizia nahita eragin ote zuten argitzeko

Venezuelako jarduneko presidente Nicolas Madurok azaldu du Chavez pozoitu izanaren susmoa dutela. Horregatik, “egia argitzeko bidean”, aukera hori ikertuko dute. Gobernuak azaldu duenez, bertako ikerlariak ez ezik, atzerriko zientzialariak ere gonbidatuko dituzte.

2013-03-08 | Lide Hernando
Zazpi kilometroko ilara Hugo Chavezi azken agurra emateko

Hugo Chavez Venezuelako presidente ohiaren hileta gaur egingo da Caracasen. Azken egunotan bere gorpua bisitatzera joan den jendetzaren ostean, milaka lagun biltzea espero da gaur. Atzo, akademia militarraren ateetan, zazpi kilometroko ilara osatzera iritsi ziren hari bisita... [+]

2013-03-06 | ARGIA
Nora joko du mugimendu bolivartarrak Chavez gabe?

Hugo Chavez hil dela iragarri du Venezuelako Gobernuak astearte arratsaldean. 58 urte zituen eta 2011ko ekainean detektatu zioten minbizia. Ordutik lau aldiz operatu dute Habanan. Nicolás Maduro izendatu zuen bere ondorengo eta bera izango da behin behinean presidente... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude