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Beyond meals, guided tours to sidrerías

  • In addition to tasting cider in kupela and bottle, the residents of the Gipuzkoa quarries will have the opportunity to know the traditional path that the apple continues until it becomes a drink. In fact, several quarries, with the help of the Association of Sidreros de Gipuzkoa, have launched this initiative.
Bisita gidatuak egiten dituzte Oiharte sagardotegian. Aralar eta Aizkorriko parkeen artean, paraje bikainean dago Zeraingo baserria.
Bisita gidatuak egiten dituzte Oiharte sagardotegian. Aralar eta Aizkorriko parkeen artean, paraje bikainean dago Zeraingo baserria.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

We are in Gipuzkoa, in the village of Zerain. In the Irukaketa neighbourhood, far from the pollution and noise of cars, the Oiharte steelworks are located in a mountainous enclave in which the only noise that is heard is the sweet song of birds. There is Haritz Eguren waiting for us. Since 1984 the Eguren family has taken over Oiharte; Haritz will tell us the history of the cider and tell us how the cider is currently made.

After working on the reform of the farmhouse, the doors of the Oiharte steelworks were opened three years ago and a new project has begun this year: guided tours. The visits began in July and are carried out between January and October, i.e. at the time of the opening of the steelworks. In this regard, they have stressed that it is usual to go to the shellfish shops in txotx season, but that should not be the case. Haritz Eguren explains that cider has the best taste between the middle and the end of the year.

The journey through the cider world begins in the chamomile. Eguren explains to the visitor how the apple is collected, what varieties there are and what kind of work they work with. Since the apple is already collected, the visitor who will visit it at this time will not be able to receive it. But if it didn't meet, they would come together to get to know first-hand the work that's being done in quarries. They then took us to the place where the apple was taken, and then to the area where the cider enters the machine. From there, on the way to the winery, comes Maite, the woman of Haritz. They both work in the quinceañeras and explain that they have begun the project of visits with illusion. Maite then gave us a video in which he briefly explained the history of Oiharte, while immersing the visitor in his work and his family.

Each year 40,000 litres of natural cider are produced. They have pointed out that this is a small shop, but also that they feel the tradition of the Basque Country as their own. Then the two sons, Unai and little Irati, have approached. It has become clear that this is a shrub created in the shadow of a family. The children are around the kupelas, saying that they also collaborate in the shearing. With the option of tasting the cider we have finished the visit. In addition, at the end of the visit we were brought with cheese and chistorra in a relaxed talk to be able to enjoy the environment and the environment. They have also taught us the rural house they have in the farmhouse.

The sidrerías Petritegi and Bereziartua de Astigarraga, Irungo Ola, Aduna and Zabala, Azpeitia Añota, Calonge Hernani, Iparragirre de Hernani and Satxota de Aia. “We have long seen the need to enter the tourism sector. After all, the quarries have always contributed to the visitor and tourism of the area,” says Amaia Zubeldia, of the Association of Sidreros de Gipuzkoa. A dozen Gipuzkoan quinceañeras will resume their journey in the face of the "excellent welcome" that these types of activities have had in the bordering territories.

The interest of the people in the txotx has aroused the interest of the Guipuzkoan quarries to undertake a new project. In the txotx season, it is clear that the singularity of txotx attracts the number of people who come to the sidrerías, so it seemed appropriate to give importance and show the citizenship the work that is done until the cider is obtained in the sidrerías. “We saw the request from the people. People like txotx, and those who come from outside also found it very appealing, people find it a very eye-catching habit,” added Zubeldia.

Each special

Every syllable has its peculiarity. Because of their location, because of the way the work is done and, fundamentally, because of the existence of different families. “Every sycamore is a world. Everyone has their own values. One of them will take care of the environment, the other of the winery, the giant, the other the old lagar. Each one has its peculiarities,” stressed the member of the Sidreros Association. Therefore, even if all quarries have the same basis, each of them will make known its peculiarities.

A clear example will be openness. Families who open the cider year round will offer year-round visits, while those who do not do so will only open in txotx season. The visits will be directed to both small and large groups, will also be decided by the quarries, some will have minimal groups and others will not. Visits in several languages will be offered, usually in Basque, Spanish, English and French.

In addition to the possible visits to the steelworks, they offer many possibilities to get to know more about the Basque Country and the surroundings of the steelworks. Some sidrerías are also rural, so the sidrerías will offer accommodation for visitors, as well as the possibility of visiting several museums. For example, the Caserío Igartubeiti Sagardo Museum of Eztango-Itsaso. Everything depends on the interests and desires of the user. In addition to the cider, whoever wants to know many more things related to cider has time to do so.

In the Oiharte steelworks, for example, visits are organized for all kinds of groups. Therefore, the visits are adapted to the needs of groups that come from outside the Basque Country. During the tour, information is offered in Basque, Catalan, Spanish and French. In addition, they offer the possibility to spend the night in the rural house they have in Oihart since the year 2000. In six rooms accommodation is offered for twelve people in a warm and relaxed atmosphere.

In Oihart they offer four types of visits. One of the options is to make, in addition to the guided tour, an exit from the D’elikatuz Interpretation Center of Ordizia to the Caserío Igartubeiti Museum, to visit the 16th century lagar of the area; or a guided visit to the Idiazabal Cheese Interpretation Center of the town. Then, in the Ondramuño farmhouse, the Aranburu family shows how the cheese is made.

“The aim is to show people the importance of cider in the Basque Country,” said Amaia Zubeldia. That is why they want to adapt the steelworks to tourism, opening the doors to both local and foreign visitors. Sidrerías already offer special offers. The Petritegi steelmaker in Astigarraga was the first to make such an offer. It started about a year ago, and at first it offered night visits, for example. Today, it offers a family tourism linked to cider; among other things, it organizes children's workshops.

The cider route as an objective

“We want to create the cider route and in it we want to make different offers,” explains Zubeldia. They say that people are astonished to come to the Basque Country: “Cider exists in the world, but the most obvious difference we have here is txotx and we are the only ones who do it in the world.” In addition to showing what txotx is, the guided tours aim to make known the history of cider in its interior. They want to show that cider and cider making are part of the “identity of the Basques” for their importance in the Basque culture. “We want to draw attention to the importance that people had, both from outside and here. Because here many times we are not aware of the values and heritage we have.”

The Sidreros Association has contacted the tourism agencies to socialise the new product. “Our goal is not only for people to come to the cider, but when they come we will explain to the visitor that they can stay here.” Thus, it is working with the development agencies of the region. For example, tourist information is provided in the steelworks and a shop has been installed in all the steelworks to make the product available for sale.

“Now, we want to see what happens, what people say, what they ask, and we adapt to those needs,” said the Gipuzkoa Sidreros Association. This year 2013 has begun with the doors of open sidrys on a par, and it is expected to continue.

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