Being mayor of Soria is not the best way to make friends...
If you're consistent with your beliefs, you don't lose friends. It is not a friend who is angry about acting in line with his convictions. Yes, being a prophet in his lands...
50 years ago to enter Euskaltzaindia had to be more than a prophet!
In May 1968, people became famous for the 1968 Arantzazu Congress. That's where the Basque Country emerged, and that's where our lines of work come from. Until then, “and how do you say that?” was the only question I heard in Euskaltzaindia.
Is it ahead or behind the Basque Country?
For the moment, we are moving forward, opening roads without stopping. The Basque batua that is being created is the written Basque, and at the time of its creation, both oral and written, Euskaltzaindia will have to do the same as other academies: to follow and incorporate the versatility of the language.
Until we say that Euskaltzaindia has to create words!
How many words has Euskaltzaindia created? “Ararteko”, “throws” and a little more. The new words are created by those who use Euskera to meet their needs, and the academy gives them their approval or not. This is the sign that language is completely settled. I won't see it, but we'll get there.
Iparralde’s “euskualdunes” say that the official will save us!
We will not achieve the official status of the Basque country immediately. Our Jacobins are so mandomules! Their psychology is only supported by French, French and French. How can we understand that kind of Euskaraphobia and the barbarities that are being committed?
I thought something was moving, but ...
The only policy that goes against Mandomul is to be mandomula! Fortunately, we too are the worst...
Are we not, therefore, constantly condemned to live at the top of our decadence?
I have three slogans in life. One, “I am a Basque of birth, like the French, and a European of dreams”. Two, “Let’s be us and play before!” Three, “hold on, but survive.” There are all the answers to our problems.
Are you now saying that Aresti will have to shave and save the Basque?
Be sure that the Basque is going to last. The fact that the Basque country is official does not mean that it is not in danger.
Nafarroa Beherean, Aiherrako 'Beltzegitea' etxean kokatuko da Eguzkilore haurtzain-etxe berria. Euskara, natura eta motrizitate librea oinarri harturik, heldu den apirilean hasiko dira zerbitzua eskaintzen.