The needs of society change at every time. Because sometimes society has changed and sometimes, because we're facing a new situation. The representation of society is renewed to meet the needs of the people.
A few years ago, we asked a question by singing: What does the people demand? And then there was an answer. Today, as always, we have to get that question back and add it to the table and, of course, we have to answer it. The Government responds.
And what does the people demand? I do not believe that there is a need for any special capacity to know. This society has said that it wants to provide a just solution to the crisis and that social justice is sought, maintaining public services, consolidating peace and coexistence and rethinking the relationship with the Spanish States. These are the wishes and objectives of this society and these are the tasks of the new Basque Government.
But is the government that has been formed adequate to carry out these tasks? Or is this the government necessary for it? It is clear that on 21 October the people spoke and clearly committed: A progressive, open and peaceful Basque Parliament has been elected. Well, precisely those should be the colors of government.
The truth is that the colors of the new government will be painted with their daily work. But, at least at the moment, it is not a sound government, it has little parliamentary support and, therefore, its main function will be to form majorities and reach agreements in all areas. It is clear that if the main colors and purposes are followed, agreements will be reached, if all the political forces act honestly. Everyone must be required to act with loyalty and respect, not only to the new government, but to all parties, to every citizen and to society as a whole. At the same time, all political forces must demand a direct response from the Government to the demands of the people and will be obliged to cooperate in this task. The people will not tolerate any more positions.
But was an alternative government possible? At the moment it is clear that it is not. Broad, plural and strong governments are more effective. Governments made up of a single force forgot until lehendakari López completed theirs. He then denied the other solution and he chose to rule alone, achieving a comprehensive but unilateral agreement in Parliament. But now, the lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, has not found a positive attitude towards the rest of the forces and has assumed the responsibility of forming government because it was he who received the mandate of the people.
These are difficult times, we face great challenges and complex ones. Compatible challenges that require broad consensus. The distances between political forces will be superfluous if communication between political spaces is maintained. There is no time for another way of acting. We citizens do not have to wait. We have done our work, we have spoken and now we demand that the main task of the Government be to “fix our own”. But not only the government, but all the political forces. I hope that no one will reject the necessary aid and that the work of political decision-makers will be painted in this way with the colours of society. And, of course, the use of the collaboration palette in blending these colors.
Benito Lertxundi 60 urte iraun duen kantugintza uzten zuela jakinarazi du Durangoko azoka aitzin. 2023an Gernikan grabatu zuen kontzertu baten diskoarekin bururatuko du bere ibilbide handia bezain aberatsa. Bazuen urtea hartua zuela erabakia, ez da erraza izan horren berri... [+]
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