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Proposals by eight puppeteers to talk about values with children

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Urtxintxa school in Bizkaia has published a very careful book: Tales of puppeteers. Not only with attention, with desire, with enthusiasm and with a desire to contribute, but with the coordination of Ane Olabarri. What are the puppeteers referred to in the title? Eight people known in Basque culture for their skill in writing, singing, bertsos and cinema: Miren Amuriza, Jasone Osoro, Mireia Delgado, Josu Martínez, Juankar López Mugartza, Uxue Alberdi, Gotzon Barandiaran and Pako Aristi. Eight story creators, accompanied by the colorful paintings of illustrator Nagore Txintxurreta.

It is not a set of writings aimed at a given time, it is not a set of lessons that come from the form of the story, nor a book that seeks to conform to a purely playful aspect. In fact, the work is the sum of all, from the same origin. The Urtxintxa School wanted to put at our disposal a tool that could serve us for fun, to strengthen the relationship between children and adults, as well as to strengthen values; a toy that exalts equality, coexistence, interculturality and collaboration; a product that parents, educators, teachers, even boys and girls of all ages would enjoy. In addition, taking into account braille and sign language, it also includes deaf-mute and blind people. The result of this mega lens is a hardcover book, which includes CD and DVD, which allows through QR symbols to follow eight stories on the mobile phone.

Each story, on the other hand, includes a proposal to work on the values it wants to convey. These are fundamentally exercises, support points to address the issue, excuses for reflection, speech or play.

Uxue Alberdi Estibaliz, that is, the Tithyrist of Time, has brought to the story the concern of living without time for nothing. The protagonist of the story, Lur, will go in search of time, as she wants to give her parents what they lack so much. To do so, you will target the people around you who may have plenty of time and give them something to each for the minutes they give you. In this story, it is about the situation experienced by children in general in the hasty way of life we all live. Taking Alberdi’s words, “children are a hindrance in the lives of busy people.” The author considers it one of the greatest dramas of our society and, moreover, very absurd: “We don’t have time to live, because we have to work to be able to live ever. The price that children are made to pay is terrible.”

On the other hand, the tribute paid to the imagination of minors through this book is evident. Children can solve any problem with their invention. In this case, too, the parents' lack of time.

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