But Iñigo Urkullu is also the highest institutional reference point for nationalists in all territories. And that is something that Urkullu will also have to take into account, because to make it attractive it is essential to take account of the other territories. In addition, what's interesting is not to attract, but to offer us something attractive. The new lehendakari is in a magnificent watchtower of nation, probably the most privileged for a nationalist today. It is a perfect time to work at national level.
It is not rhetoric, the crisis is a great opportunity for national construction. There is also the need to carry out a peace process, not least because in the coming years new basic pillars will be established for coexistence. What are the most pressing needs of national construction today? One, create and distribute work (and in the meantime, share and share the consequences of the crisis); two, carry out the peace process; three, defend and develop the Basque identity.
In the three Basque administrative areas there are movements of interest s.En Ipar Euskal Herria each day teach us how to work from the smallness, in different areas: agriculture, building a different society, claiming the College, building the Baiona Peace Forum… Looking to the South, it is surprising to see people so different pulling the cart of objectives and demands.
In NAVARRA there are also many interesting movements, both on the street and in the institutions. The street has travelled many times in a very hopeful way, perhaps it has been seen in the calls for general strike, but in the usual way too many workers and sectors are fighting for the rights that are lost. Will that influence the forthcoming elections?
Presumably yes, and also, after UPN has advanced its congress to March, it is just around the corner. For the first time in a long time, everything points to the fact that the opposition has the possibility of getting a government. Imagine the yoke free evil of PSN UPN, isn't it? But this is one of the few chances he has of surviving as an important part. The left, baskism and nationalism, are the ingredients that have to be cooked again in the saucepan of the alternative. At the time, NaBai was a success, and it should also be a short-term success, not as an electoral coalition, but as an alternative to government.
So, Roberto Jiménez as lehendakari? The disease, because with this fish the PSN will hardly draw the necessary votes, but it does not seem that on this occasion another Fernando Purasi of the Navarros Socialists can appear. Much will be said in the coming weeks about this possible alternative and how it could be structured. Everything is bad, but everything is possible.
And IN CAPV?To begin with, the PNV has promised movements around self-government by the end of the legislature, and that is exciting considering the monotony of self-government over the past four years with the PSE-PP. The announcement of the new status, at a time when it is most inclined towards parliamentary independence. New steps in Madrid more centralist and tax in the last 30 years. Yes, sparks are a great opportunity, even more so if the referendum on the right to self-determination is to be held in Catalonia in 2014.
The odds are yes, but the logical thing is that you don't see big sparks because of the status. The cycle of 50 years of violence has not gone by vain and the peace process must be carried out here. Look to the past, analyze and criticize the activities themselves, address the issue of all victims, prisoners, status… and put new poles of coexistence. You can't do independence by leaving 600 prisoners in jail. Then, the circumstances.
Urkullu has to be at the forefront of this process, but not just. It has to be a shared process between the PNV, EH Bildu and the PSOE, in the Basque Parliament yes, but not just there. Last week the Baiona Forum launched some of the most important values that can come from a university: peace and cohesion. Pp will be the only party to join the Gurpegi, when institutional pressure and pressure from Basque society force it to do so.
2025 amaitu baino lehen Gernikako Estatutuan jasotzen diren eskumen guztiak izatea espero du Jaurlaritzak. Oraindik 25 eskumen falta dira. Transferentzia Batzordea aurreko astean biltzekoa zen baina "agenda arazoak" zirela eta atzeratu zuten.
31 urteko emakume kolonbiarra osasun zentrora eraman ordez ertzain etxera eramatean agenteek "akatsa" egin zutela aitortu du Segurtasun sailburuak, baina azpimarratu du ez zuela "jipoirik" jaso.
Euskorpora elkartearen eta Euskorpus proiektuaren abiatzeak hautsak harrotu ditu. Pello Otxandiano EH Bilduko Eusko Legebiltzarreko oposizio buruak Euskorpusena akatsa dela uste du, "ezjakintasuna edo estrategia klientelarra". EH Bilduk galdera sorta egin du... [+]