Alas, the Basque associations have placed linguistic policy and standardisation in the hands of the institutions!
In general, there has been a trend towards delegation, but the institutions are not enough to bring the Basque country into a situation of equality. We also need the courage of citizenship, bringing together institutional power.
And how is standardisation influenced without language conflicts?
Married goals and time. Where do we want to be 30 years from now when it comes to Euskera? Once this has been agreed, what needs to be done is very technical.
The issue of language has to come out of the political conflict, OK, but is it at the heart of politics?
What is called politics? Agreeing and agreeing are also political. And the Basque country needs an agreement; that there is a conflict over taxes, rubbish or infrastructure.
Overtaking the Basque country will, of course, require postponement.
The Castellanos will not suffer with less space, they have a lot of extension and many speakers. The Basque country has us alone, if not here it will not be strengthened anywhere.
If the Basque country does not have a too modern discourse, always on the street about history and rights.
The Basque country needs marketing in order to buy it from us. And every buyer has to find their reason to buy Euskera.
They start buying local information...
The interest of the close exceeds the limits of the language. The local media was the great dominators in the 1990s, in which the Basque Country achieved the gold medal.
Today the crisis is spreading medals, not gold presi.
Yes, and the Basque media will emerge from the crisis in partnership. We have met in Tokikom 30 local media, the whole sector in the new partnership.
In order to offer quality products, it is obvious.
My generation drank many deplorable barrels in favor of ikastolas. That is over, today without quality there are no customers.
And how can we reconcile this with the objective of the normalization of the Basque country?
Well done. The Basque has to give joy, not grief. It is in Euskera’s interest to join forces, to emphasize the hobby, the illusion.
Also believe that the Basque media are in a position to be hegemonic!
About a thousand people work in the Basque media. Even Murdoch can't get to that. We just need to collaborate to be hegemonic. And we've already started.
There are no breathing spaces without proper speakers. Native speakers are the support, the oraceration, the mainstay and the foundation of the respiratory zones.
But let's start at the beginning: what are the respiratory zones? The word Arnasa is a word translated into Basque... [+]
Kaleko 71.000 elkarrizketa eta 227.900 solaskide behatu dituzte UEMAko herrietan, eta 2017koa baino ikerketa are sendoagoa burutu dute. Erabilera orokorra ez da ia aldatu: bostetik hiru aritzen dira euskaraz. Adina eta generoaren arabera badira desberdintasun batzuk.