Today there are many reasons to be happy as a Basque. The main thing is to be able to live as Basques and to do so the possibilities are many: in a modern way, with a high quality and with a great vitality. The Basque country has at its disposal most of the tools that the speaker needs in modern society: in education, in culture, in the media, in new technologies… The Basque can look to the future with optimism, because the people of the Basque country continue to grow and have tools for survival, both voluntary and legal.
But the Basque does not have enough of that. Those who live in Euskera in Euskal Herria speak of the pain as much or more than the joy of living, of the pain produced by not having taken it into account, because even in their people, many times, they feel marginalized, insulted, despised, despised, used…
For example, when the ertzaina of the entrance door to the Basque Parliament cannot answer in Basque, when the ertzaina of the street is provoking to speak in Basque (or what to say about the other police of all colors), when the child has to be returned what the doctor tells him, when the Government of Navarra or that of Paris refuses the European linguistic recommendations, in the Spanish school meeting,
The Basque community is key in its evolution, but Basque society will condition its development. And to this day, this society drives Euskera voluntarily and legally. Community, society, will and law, is the indispensable quartet of linguistic development. The historical review tells us that the people of the Basque Country have made progress – according to the figures of the CAV – and that the territory of the Basque Country is being lost – in Iparralde it is increasingly vulnerable, in Navarre it is powerless and loses territory.
Conclusion: repoliticizing the Basque Country is essential. Politicising does not mean that it still needs a great political impetus.
For what purpose? Facing the law: To reach the current political impetus of the CAV in the Northern Basque Country and in the Foral Community of Navarra; in the CAPV, in the next 15 years, to materialize the irreversible leaps of knowledge into use (figures must be agreed between experts and politicians). Without taking significant legislative steps in Navarre and Iparralde, the situation is very complicated, you don't have to be a socio-linguist to notice. Taking into account the forces of the Basque people in Navarre and Iparralde, it is essential that the public authorities of the CAV take into account the entire Basque community and multiply their relationship and commitment.
It is convenient to keep an open dialectic between society and vasco-speakers permanently. Basque society – with the exception of some relevant sectors – is generally in favour of the development of Euskera. But above all it is a Castilian speaking, and from the Basque community you have to tell him what our health and our situation is, and what our needs are. The Basque needs help, but from society – let’s put a party, the media, the work centre… – there will never be steps to euskaldunise society, because Castilian does not need Euskera. The Basque must be the protagonist.
The time has come for the community to send a clear message to society: so we have party (Navarre, Ipar Euskal Herria) or we need more, if we are not going to go wrong (CAV). This is basically what the crowd gathered by the Council on 1 December in San Sebastian said. At best, for the situation to be healthy, it is essential that the Basque country gains critical mass and territory gradually. The time has come for us, between the institutions and the Basque community, to arrive at a form of relationship that we have not known so far. Innovation, debate, respect and collaboration. Here's the good quartet to leave.
In the CAV, on the 30th anniversary of the Law of the Basque Country, is it dealt with with the change of law? It's not clear. It is clear, however, that much more can be done at the present level. The vast majority of the new Basque Parliament gives the possibility of deepening. What the Basque community demands of society and institutions is that we now have to see how the response of the public authorities will be channelled. The new relationship and the new situation are possible. Moreover, they are necessary.