The Madonna dismisses the wealth (Arbutus unedo). It needs fresh and deep land to grow abundantly. He himself monitors the land that feeds it and sees it back with a large fertilizer of leaves and flowers, and in return he takes it and gives it. Also to us who walk underneath, we grow up well: mushrooms, wood, sweet fruit and dazzling moxkor. In Asturias the tree is known as “drunkenness”.
For the eleventh day of the eleventh month of St. Martin, pigs and pigs of Zakilixut, what does the Madroño have to say that rests on the wall of Baliarrain’s stewardship, on the side between the two clocks of the church? The sun clock of the year 1781 does not lie, it is about eleven of the sun, at twelve of the noon for us. But the “modern” mechanical clock says the four and I don’t know how many. We'll attribute the difference to the beard ...
The friar has such a funny deal with the fire that the bells adjacent to those watches would never have been denounced. One of the first to strengthen and innovate on the passing or burning bush is one of the best affected by fire. Thanks to his eyes of outbreaks, hidden in the background and underground. Each has its own strategy of regeneration, but the artwork (Quercus suber), the chilena (Erica sp. ), Abaritza (Quercus coccifera), Enana palm (Chamaerops humilis), Xiristola (Tinctoria genist), etc. Similarly, if your wood is good for fire, it is one of the best for coal, excellent! Their backyards, heels, strains and roots were greatly appreciated by the Incendians. The ferries worshipped the iron that I had made with it as much as in Europe. The temperature at which the flames and the coals reach will not reach it with other woods. The one who wanted to heat the oven and bake the bread well was content with the wood. This wood was also valued for wood, which was used in the lathe: hard, dense and heavy, but fine and one of the most elegant among the red.
He likes all cattle and the bite pruning indicates to what extent the neck can be stretched by eating outbreaks. It must be good forage. You will not soon find major carriages, and, of course, you will not have said what about ours.
Gurbea, Sorbus domestica, landatu beharra daukat. Ea behingoz gustu goreneko sagardo naturala egiteko gai naizen... Lagun ardogile bati ere barrika batean lardaskatzen uzteko eskatuko diot. Helburua: sagardoa eta ardoa paregabetasunera eraman, gurbearekin. Horixe paregabea,... [+]
Arabar Errioxan da Eskuernaga. Bertakoek hala deitzen dute, Euskaltzaindikoek bere artean lehen Uriona eta orain Villabuena. Eskuernagan baden dena ardoa da, eta paisaia mahasti. Lehen besterik ere izango zen, fruitu arbolak, baratze, labore-soro, baso-koskor... Paisaia... [+]